
Just get out of the way?

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Do the stuck in the past, glass is half empty, negative, defeatist right wingers need to get out of the way so the forward looking, positive thinking, we can do better, truly patriotic Americans can get on with the business of undoing the damage of the last eight years and make American great again?




  1. If you idiots were forward looking and positive thinking, you'd have healthcare benefits instead of cable tv.  You're so mesmerized by "unity" and "change" that you haven't stopped to question anything he's said.

    Is raising corporate taxes really going to entice companies to return to the United States, so that they can pay Americans workers higher wages, and at no additional cost to consumers?  Have you thought about how stupid that sounds.  It defies logic.

  2. LOL @ TRULY Patriotic Americans....

    You're calling the Republicans negative defeatists?


  3. Couldn't have said it better myself.  Watching the news coverage last night - I jumped to all the stations, to ensure I was getting views from all sides.  And I couldn't believe the differences between the Right and Left Wing media!  I was blown away by the message delivered by Obama, and felt hope for the US for the first time in a LONG time.  But a quick flip to Fox News, and I was watching people criticize the set up of a stage and the shamefulness of the size of the venue!  How bout the content of his words?  Not important I guess - when you can criticize the really important things, like how someone is dressed!

  4. Michelle barrack gave his speech last night.. Stop posting.  

  5. What exactly did you have in mind?, concentration camps? Final Solution II?

  6. Your post certainly does clearly indicate the problem.

    The economy is growing, yet Democrats say we're in a recession and you claim Republicans are negative.

    The "surge" worked, to the point that the Iraqi government and the Republicans are talking about when the troops will come home, yet Obama and Biden have deemed it a failure, and you claim Republicans are defeatists.

    Democrats want to go back to the head-in-the-sand days of Jimmy Carter on International issues, and think that this is "forward looking".

    Democrats ignore the fact that we have the highest survival rates in the world for some of the deadliest conditions, and think that we can do better by emulating countries with Socialized Medicine.

    The vast majority of the population knows that an increased supply of oil would bring the price down, and wants the government to end the bans on drilling for it, and it is Democrats, specifically one Nancy Pelosi, who won't even let Congress vote on that, and you say right wingers are the ones that need to get out of the way.

    We could well differ on a lot of things about this country, including equality of opportunity, education, the environment, and tort reform, but there's one undeniable statistic.  This country has a greater problem with Immigration than any other country in the world. More people want to come here permanently than to any other country in the world, including those the Democrats want us to emulate, and in fact, some of those that want to come here are coming from those countries.  I take that as conclusive proof that this country is still great, at least in relative terms.  

    No, you are quite wrong.  It is Democrats who are "glass half empty, negative, and defeatist".  It is Liberalism that is causing the damage to this country, a country so resilient and strong that we've been able to withstand it for two generations now and still remain great.  

    By the way... I'm a Libertarian.  I believe in this country.  You don't. You don't have a firm enough grip on the reality of today to competently evaluate the possibilities for tomorrow.  You're in a fantasy world of how you think things should be.  This is precisely the mind-set that allowed our soldiers to be dragged through the streets in Mogadishu, and our embassy personnel to be held hostage for 444 days.  While I don't necessarily want the US to have the tendency to invade other countries on a whim, someone with an unwillingness to return to the policies that allowed those is not the one stuck in the past.

    Where the guilt of the Republicans lies is in their tendency to allow Democrats to get away with these things, and as much of McCain's record shows, even participate in the process.

    Obama might well win this November, but it isn't going to make us great again.  As I said, your post illustrates the problem.  It's ignorance, and the most ignorant among us were either in Denver this week, or at least watching on TV and believing what was shown.


  7. You find a forward thinking truthful experienced person from either party and I'll vote them. But Barry AIN'T IT.

  8. Talk is cheap - except when Congress does it.

    "He that lives upon hope will die fasting".

    Benjamin Franklin

    And Ben was "forward looking' kind of man.......

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