
Just need a bit of advice.....?

by Guest31915  |  earlier

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Im currently thinking about doing an creative media course at college, but ive also decided to take drama and theatre studies on the side. Ive always had a sort of fascination with acting, so I thought id take the acting course aswell. I know that most actors never make it 'big' as they say, but i was just wondering if any of you think im wasting my time taking the second course, or if maybe it is worth a shot?




  1. theatre training is applicable in almost every field so it will be useful to you in the future. and if you love it, then why not? it is a bit time consuming, especially if it's your major. when i entered college it was for marine biology BUT i had always done theatre. ever since i was 8 years old. but being from the south, no one really supported the "hobby" as a craft i could actually study. when i got to college and was basically told what i wanted to study in biology i wouldn't be able to do until grad school i started second guessing my major. but i had been taking drama classes on the side as well because i loved it so much. that's when it kinda clicked for me that i could study somelthing in college that i had always wanted to do but never thought i could. i say go for allows you some fun time and it expands your knowledge.

  2. I think it's totally worth it! Even if you don't go into anything remotely related to theatre, you'll have had a great time in college taking fun courses! And who knows... maybe you'll make it big someday, and then you'll be thankful for your course selections!

  3. Hi!

    I'd say it's worth a shot! Sure, most actors don't make it 'big', but a small number definately do. You never know, you could just be one who makes it big!

    Just keep trying and be confident!

  4. You don't have to make it "big" to be an actor. Think of all the possibilities; there are movies (independent films as well as blockbusters), commercials, and all levels of stage theater, from Broadway to Community theater. An acting course is not only a way to introduce yourself into the business, but also an excellent way to learn about emotions and human nature. I say, go for the acting course. If nothing else, it will make you a more well-rounded individual.

  5. If nothing else, the acting class can help you in other areas of life, such as giving presentations in public. I'm not quite sure what creative media is, but I'm sure acting will be a help in it in some way. Everything relates to everything else, one way or another.

  6. If it's a good acting course, it should give you personal insight and a good dollop of personal growth. These are good for just, you know, being a human being - so even if you never end up acting professionally, it will have been good for you.

  7. If you're not serious about acting, don't do it.

    If that's your life goal, go for it.

    If you really want to take it but you don't actually plan on using it in your life, wait until you have plenty of room in your schedule.

  8. I think it's worth a shot!! Never say never!!

    Try getting a book called contacts 2008! It'll get you in connection with loads of agents and acting corespondences!!

  9. Why not - I've always said that you should study whatever it is that you enjoy.  If you have the time to do both, do them - doesn't mean you have to have a career acting.  You could do amateur dramatics if push comes to shove.

  10. its really worth it.. the option is there. if u love acting then go for it!

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