
Just say no?

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Catnip Blues

By Cynthia S.

I was sitting at the table

just a few minutes ago

getting notes completed

tomorrow’s Monday, you know.

Dotting i’s and crossing t’s

Make sure the dates are right.

Put it away. I’ll make some tea

Before I say goodnight.

A thundering herd of lions

At least that’s how it sounded.

From the porch they crashed

into the living room bounded.

George swatted Grace up side the head

Grace bit my toe in passing

I yelled,


Heed me well, you kittyphiles

Before you take this trip

Should you have a George or Grace

Please, forgo catnip.




  1. No more uppers for the cavorting pair!! Or else wear hiking boots!

  2. very cute not badly written either i like it

  3. Says Grace "Mother you tried to drown me in the washing machine. Let's call it evens! Get over it." lol Only joking Cynthia.

    Excellent Cat Poem! or is it "Meow Meop" ?

  4. Only a cat owner (actually, a cat-owned human) could know these things.  Cats have five pointy ends armed with either claws or teeth.  When they are stoned they are not responsible for drawing blood.  Not that they would give a flying hoot either way.

  5. Cute.

  6. cleverly put!

    We do not own those creatures they own us.

    and I loved your poem!!

  7. I grow oats for Leon and Felix. They don't get any hooch...

  8. Why do cats do that?? pee on the bed?? I had a cat who disliked (I guess) my ex-husband.  On night - while going to bed - I spotted a prize for him - right on his pillow.  My cat had laid a "big one" in the middle. Why do cats do that?? ♥

  9. yes!

  10. Meow to you.  I hope you checked ID's before serving the cat elixir!  Nice poem, put a smile on me.

  11. I loved it! it sounded like my two Monica and Patches. Lol very good and very creative.
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