
Just walking into a Mosque? ?

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I am wanting to learn more about Islam, but I don't know how to go about doing it. I mean I know all the websites, but I want to speak with a Muslimah face to face. How do I go about doing that? The closest Mosque is about 1-1/2 hours away--so I want to make sure that they'll talk to me before I drive up there. I am *VERY VERY* shy around people so I know I'll feel like a total dweeb for even going up there. HELP!




  1. Remember, you may listen to them. But do not follow blindly.  Most of them follow hadiths.

    Respect them yes. But pls be moderate.

  2. Don't be ! I am muslim and I really like the views of non-muslims.

    well if you are shy and don't want to go directly to a mosque .. how about someone you know (If you know any muslims in your area) if you wanna know more about Islam I'd say talk with someone with high knowledge in the relegion so you won't get the wrong impression or talk to several people.

  3. first of all do not feel like a total dweeb. muslims are kind and they are willing to help you. I am a muslim. you can save me as a contact and if you have any questions i can help you.

    Where are you from/ and where do you live? I know a friend who can tell you where the closest mosques are from a website. i am not sure what it is right now.

    dont be scared and find a Muslim friend and ask them what you should do because they go to the mosque if they ever go they can take you. Muslims are nice and they are willing to help. If you are a girl (I think you are) then find a girl Muslim because they understand you the most.  The Imam is nice and will give you full deatils.

    every mosque should have a number. find the mosques number and call for like an appointment/meeting kinda thing so they will haave time to talk to you. sometimes they may be not there for a while, but come back.

    if you want to meet an Immam then arrive there when it is prayer time..

    and do not feel like a dweeb. every one is equal.. that is what every muslims belive.

    dont be scared and shy, that will make things worse.  

    hopes this works....

    if you have any questions, contact me!!!

  4. YOU can email me ...iam muslim!

  5. islam is wonderful....its very sacred and peace....

    whenever u enter any mosque,u have to cover up all your body

    except face and your hand for woman and for guys,upper bellybutton until under your knees.....muslim welcome everyone..

  6. WOW 1 and a half hours away!!??!!! thats crazy! wow, that's a shame there are not other masjids nearby =(.....but believe me if u go there, especially on like a friday and tell the office or the sisters around that u are interested in Islam, they will really do what they do best, lol...honestly dont be shy..its alright, we all kinda look weird but then you will make friends and wont have to worry about it .

  7. Hi!!

    Thats great. I know it can be scary, especially if you are shy. I have been muslim for almost 2 years now, and was very intimidated to go to the mosque alone. Do just like everyone says, talk to someone locally that you know is a Muslim and they can attend the mosque with you.  

  8. the best way is to call ahead and ask if the sisters have a weekly meeting or class so that then you could be sure to find someone available.  Also keep in mind with Ramadan coming, usually such meeting & classes are put on hold for the month, though usually there will be dinner ever night or at the very least on weekends.  

  9. if you go to a mosque, then wear clothes that cover your whole body. and dont listen to people with long beards who are leading the prayers, they are gonna tell you stuff about how the americans are bad people. but trust me,  i am a muslim and we are not racists, but avoid the ones with beard, because as i said they dont get it right. and you can e-mail me at

    oh and go on this website it has the whole quran translated in english and it will answer all of your questions if you read it all

  10. Hi... I'm here to help you.... I'm a muslim and ill teach you.....and me as a yahoo answer contact and ill teach you.....I'm very kind and this is the best question i have ever heard ......

    Add me as your contact in yahoo answers......and ill teach you...more about it....

    Dont listen to the person who said dont become should become one.....

    When people become muslims, they have to respect people. Always be nice and do not backbite.You have to pray five times a day and read the Qur'an. The Qur'an is a holy book....and the first prayer is called Fajar, the second is Zhur, the third is Asr, the forth is Magrib and the fifth is Isha....

    Each prayer has their own times depending on the day....

    My Grandfather is a Priest and knows everything about Islam......

    His Mousque is in San Bernadino....

    Hope you like this religon....All my prayers have came true...

    Assalam-u-Alaikum, peace be upon you

  11. Just remember your kevlar jacket and blast shield :P

    Ok, joking aside, they're as normal as you and me, so don't refer to them as "them" if you get me......

    Generally the older people are more open with their religion, but that's just experience, Go up there and talk to them if you really want to - they wont bite you.....unless maybe you ask them too Lol

    If you get someone that's been in your country for a long time, they'll probably be easier to talk to and more open too - which is what you want

    Oh and don't wear your shoes in the mosque.

  12. Find a Muslim friend and have them escort you -They can brief you on the protocols  

  13. umm, they better answer and help u. i know my old mosque in canada w ould help, as for the mosque beside u, idk. but its in islam to inform and help other people.

    or u can just chill here in the ramadan section and after a while if u like 1 of the users u can ask to contact him/her. sort of be a spy, cuz right now. u dnt kno, i can be some atheist or something but i'm not :P. also online it don't matter if ur shy



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