
Just want to say thanks...?

by  |  earlier

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Over the past few months i've asked a lot of questions in this category and i was wanting to thank everyone for all the kind replies i received. I was able to share and get advice on a lot of things i found impossible to talk about in person.

Just thanks for the support i guess.

So this doesn't get deleted i should probably ask is your mental health?




  1. I feel the same way.  I can ask just about anything on here and I've gotten alot of really knowledgeable / uplifting responses.

  2. glad to hear you got all sorts of kind advice on here. : ) kind words are rare nowdays.

    my mental health is very well thank you. : ) i hope yours is good as well.

  3. Hmmmm,My mental health is unpredictable.  Sometimes I am calm and cool.  And other times,I like to get wild and crazy.  It's nothing I need to worry about.  I don't want a cure for this either.  What I would like though,Would be a chance to meet and greet all the people I have touched here on this website.  These people have touched my soul as well.  I'm terribly sorry if we haven't met before.  My name is David and it's a pleasure writing to you.  I've been so intrigued in helping people with their mental health problems.  These people have so many issues,So many problems.  They make my problems look puny.  Even with these people attempting suicide.  They need all the help we can give them.  There are lives at stake and if I can save one kid from dying,I can sleep alittle better at night.  They don't have to know me just to know that I care deeply for them.  Each one of these people just might be my own brothers and sisters.  And I'd be damned if I am going to sit back and let these kids ruin their lives.  I'm so sorry,Hmmmm.  It's not about me tonight.  Thank you for all that you do.  I appreciate what you do.  Now it's time for me to leave. ):  I don't like to,But I need to. ):  You have a goodnight and God bless.  Bye for now.

  4. I'm still working on it.The two main causes for my depression are work and marriage and I'm still stuck with both.

    I am taking my meds and going to counseling so sooner or later I'll fix everything that's wrong about my life.

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