
Just wanted a personal opinion

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If a girl had liposuction at the age of 20 and she wasn't extremely fat - would you think she was shallow??

I don't want it i was just wondering peoples opinions!




  1. I wouldn't consider her shallow, I would consider her lazy. Get to the gym and work it off.  

  2. Maybe you would wait a little older and work out a little bit during that time.

  3. yes if you are not so fat that it is a serious health issue i would encourage you to exercise and give the money to charity or something more worthy/

  4. i'd say go to the local pool and get some exercise and while in the change rooms look at all the body types and realise that a little bit of fat is not a huge issue, and cosmetic surgery can scare which would be worse

  5. Yes.  Be happy with the body you have.  People who get unnecessary cosmetic surgery or tattoos are all shallow people.

  6. I don't know if I would use the word shallow or not.  20yrs old is still pretty young and definitely young enough to fix any weight problem on your own.

    Vain would be the word.  

  7. Y would you have it b4 you have kids?? Thats just selfish to me

  8. Yes I would just go to the gym.. or rather i would go swimming and eat healthy food..  but I believe in people should be allowed to make their own choices.. if she has the money for liposuction.. it's not more shallow than girls with perfectly nice b*****s who want to have them enlarged and then look so slim like Victoria Beckham and have a big bust.. which isn't in proportion with her skinny body at all.. but she got the money, it's her life.. if she thinks she looks good with a skinny body and big b*****s.. why not..  it appears shallow. x*x

    LOL.. thanks Jack S..  my body weight doesn't impede my movement yet... you gave me my self esteem back..

  9. Hmm well if I wasn't fat because of my genetics I definitely wouldn't, I would think it to be shallow. But if both my parents were fat and I were vain enough to get it, then I can accept that ^_^

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