
KIDS AT restaurants.....

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do you ever go to a resturant and sit at a table and the table next o

to you have screaming, bratty kids,,,that ruin the meal for you?

the parents don't reprimand them....This has happened SEVERAL times to me...and It is making me not want to go to restuarnats anymore...




  1. Yes. Ugh, there was this one time that a woman was allowing her kid to scream and cry using the excuse that he was sick and then had him blow his nose at the table. It was too close to mine and made me sick to my stomach. I don't need that when I'm about to eat. Go to the bathroom and if your kids insists on screaming leave and discipline the kids or just don't take them out.

  2. It is annoying. It is all in the parenting of the children. I've been a server for years and sometimes I'll have one table where the kids are more polite and more mature than the table of adults next to them.

    It is all in the parenting. Usually I will say something loud enough as I am leaving, "Man, I wish people knew how to control their kids now a days"

    More than likely, the better the parent, the better the children.  

  3. If you see that you are going to be seated near people with rowdy or ill mannered children ask for another table before you sit down. I have done this on a few occasions and I usually leave the hostess a tip for putting me at a different table

  4. Yes, it has happened to me, and it has happened to me when with my grandchildren and they were the kids involved.  In our family the kids are removed from the restaurant at the first sign of trouble, and given an opportunity to calm down and return if they are able to behave.  Unfortunately not all families insist on "public" behavior from children when in public places, but in my experience most kids are quite capable of behaving properly in restaurants if they know clearly the limits and expectations, and if parents stick to the rules.  It is the parents that are the problem, not the kids.

  5. Do YOU have children? My guess is that you dont. Its easier to say "omg those kids are so awful! they should get punished!" and to think that they're rude because YOU dont have kids. the reality is that kids will be kids, they get excited when they go out and they will show it! or maybe they're tired, or finished with their food and bored now... BUT whatever the reason YOU have no right to trash talk other people's kids. when you have children then you can experience all of that not so fun stuff till then just ask to be seated where the children will not disturb you.

  6. I agree with you; I either move or hurry up my meals so I can get out of there. Some kids are even allowed to lean over into your booth and spit or spill food towards you. That is rude and I feel if parents can't or won't control their kids then they should be asked by the restaurant to do it or leave. The parents could at least take the kid outside and if they do it again then the parents should pack up their dinner and go home. We are all paying for our meals (they don't own the restaurant) and I don't need or want that behavior around me. My step-daughters when they were younger asked us why the kids behaved like that and we told them they were not taught any better. The girls used to sit at the table and act like a young lady or they were not allowed to go out to eat until they did. We even had people tell us how well behaved they were and it was enjoyable to be sitting next to us.  

  7. ask to be moved and go later...less kids

  8. Yes I hate it and I hate even more now that I have kids.

    I take my kids out of the restaurant if they act badly. One time I made my daughter who was old enough to understand go and apologize to the tables around us for interrupting their meal. I can't stand it when parents just don't want to deal with the problem. Yes kids are going to act up but as a parent you have to teach them that behaving badly is not okay.

    I do have to say in a parents defense people stare at you and sometimes step in and tell you that your displining is not necessary. I have had this happen. In our call Child Protective Services for every little thing society you feel like your kids can be taken away for displining them in public. I am not saying that CPS is not needed in many cases but not every kid is being abused because their parents care enough to displine.  

  9. smack them

  10. It happens all of the time, and is in part due to a society which seems to be fearful of disciplining their children for fear of 'crushing their spirit'. I think this line of thinking is a bunch of BS. It comes down to the parent isn't willing to be a parent and put in the effort required to discipline a child.

    My sibling and I have had numerous arguements over our respective parenting techniques. My wife & I tend to be more strict - so much so that I've left the resturant with my child on more than one occasion because my child was being disruptive. After removing my child from the noise, clamor and overstimulation, I was able to deal one-on-one with her without ruining the evening for the rest of my family or thos seated nearby.

    My sibling, on the other hand, tends to be more liberal with her parenting. On more than one occasion, her child has run into people in the resturant causing people to spill food or otherwise cause an incident. They've even been asked to leave a resturant because her child was behaving badly. But I also know that she is not open to suggestions on how to parent. She stopped talking to me for two years because of a disagreement we had over proper behavior & parenting.

    Unfortunately, it seems that the parents of such unruly children are also prone to be immature and not open to suggestion. My only recommendation is to ask your waiter to relocate you to another seat or ask to speak to the manager.

    Sorry to say it, but it seems to be a sign of the times. Part of the 'it's all about me' culture having come to age where it's now 'all about me and my kids'. One in which the parents and kids are always right, and anyone around them will just have to be miserable because of this selfish, irresponsible attitude.

  11. HOW DARE THEY! IF I WAS AT A RESTAURANT AND A CHILD WAS SCREAMING i'd just punch the mother right in the face.

    calm down.

  12. yeah haha  

  13. Its happened to everyone...

  14. yeah totally.i HATE that.1 time I was @ applebees and a baby was crying lol and the baby was crying bcuz the baby dropped the binky.then sum1 stepped on it then the parents shoved it in the babies mouth.ew.i know lol.they do that alot @ sucks.answer mine!

  15. Yep. And I have very little patience for that kind of thing. I usually ask if there's a different table available because its too loud where im sitting (I make sure to say it loud enough so the parents of the brats can hear me). If you're too shy to do that you could ask the manager to ask the parents to please quiet their children because they're disturbing everyone

  16. I will ask the server to moveme to another table

  17. Yes.  And when it happens I ask in a voice loud enough for the parents to hear that I would like to be seated near parents who have behaved children.  One of two things usually happens, I get moved or the parents become embarrassed and make the children behave.

  18. Yes I must admit it's hard...but now as a mother of a 2yr. old.. I kinda understand how other parents can be. Sometimes there are parents who discipline their kids and others who don't care when the kids scream and jump up and down, those are the parents who shouldn't be going to these retaurants. Mybe go to like a Chuck E. Cheese or something of that sort. As far as to kids themselves doing all that annoying, they don't even have a clue. I must say though that my 2yr. old gets a little loud but the parents need to at least try and quiet them down or at least keep them in their seats... and when all else fails LEAVE... thats what I do.

  19. I hate that

    I like how Brian (the dog on Family Guy)

    dealt with it every time the baby sreamed he screamed it was so funny!

    but seriously I do not go to family friendly restaurants anymore for that very reason

    I have four children but if they are not willing to act right I would rather eat at home

    I would hate to be such an annoyance to other people

  20. This answer is for you, as well as everyone bashing children that are irritating them in restaurants.

    Has it really been so long since you were that child's age?  If you don't remember, why don't you ask your parents to refresh your memory?  Believe me, the parents are embarrassed.

    Simply ask the waitress to seat you elsewhere, rather than hurting the parent's feelings.  Trust me, they are a lot more upset than you are.

  21. I'm usually one of those screaming, bratty kids. (not really)

    But yes, it happens to all of us. Just ignore them, or move to another table. Or politely tell them to stop making a bunch of noise.

  22. I absolutely agree with you. I have sat down at places like Olive Garden, and Red Lobster, and have had a terrible time because of screaming and bratty kids. Don't get me wrong, I love those two restaurants and their food is excellent, but when you have to go through your meal with untrained kids or a group of misbehaved teens it just ruins everything. If I were you I would get out of my chair, and tell the teens to please be quiet and tell the parents to pay more attention to their children so that they don't make everyone else have a lousy time. Good luck and hopefully the next time you decide to dine out, you won't have any troubles.  

  23. i complain to the manager

  24. yes and just ask the waitress or waiter to either have them control their kids or to move you to another table, lord knows i've done that many times and there have been a couple of times where i even left because not only where they obnoxious, the parents were smoking and blowing all their smoke towards us. i guess people think that it's ok to go out to eat and still act as if they are still at home(like animals). unfortunately alot of people don't believe in proper etiquette when out in public restaurants. just like when i go out and sit by some loud obnoxious ladies laughing at the tops of their voices with their mouths all open ,showing all their food, and just won't shut up cause everyone is looking at them. don't stop going out just because some ignorant people. hang in there sweetie, at least there are some people that were taught manners in public by good parents that gave a care about their kids(like us).  :)

  25. That's pretty much what you have to expect when you go anywhere. It happens to everyone. I really agree though it does pretty much ruin the meal. :)

  26. yes ! I think there is a general lack of discipline in the world

  27. i know what you mean! i had a kid once, throw a french fry at the table next to me. it is a lack of discipline in this world and some parents just dont teach their kids to behave when in public and when at the dinner table. what a shame.  

  28. Its happened to me. Just tell the owner to kick them out.

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