
Kashmire conflict in India?

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well alot of people say Kashmire should be its own would that work out? i think the day Kashmire becomes an independant nation, Pakistan will raid it

even the Khalistan movement is rejected by alot of Sikhs because of the Pakistan's propaganda

and plus you cant let kashmiris decide wether to stay in India or not because the majority of the people who live in Kashmire are muslim and the Hindus are leaving because of the Pakistani terrorists

so the muslims would of course decide to be an independant state because of their intolerance to the Dharmic Religions

and they wouldnt want to be part of Pakistan seeing how it is a failed Islamic Nation as well

what do you think?




  1. I think that the terrorist will use it as a base for more attacks on India. It is the worst thing India could do. Then, as they drive more Hindus out of areas near there, they will say they want independence also. India would be crazy to give up Kasmir.  

  2. Part of Kashmir is in Pakistan.  Part is in India.  

    With regard to the part that is Indian, some people want an independent Kashmir.  Some want it to be part of Pakistan (mostly these are Pakistani people).  And some people want Kashmir to remain part of India (mostly the minority Hindus in Kashmir and the majority of Hindus in the rest of India).

    It's a difficult problem fueled by Pakistan secret military agents that also supported the terrorist regime in Afghanistan.

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