
Keeping a woman happy?

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Husband made a funny comment the other day.

He said to his brother,

"that keeping a woman happy is real simple.

If she is upset or mad, just take hold of her foot and rub. Might have to hold on for dear life for a little while, but she will calm down and forget all."

He says works with me, and obviously we havnt had any major issues.

Anyway, Men what do you do to make your women happy, when they are upset?

Women any suggestions? would a good foot rub work on you?




  1. I'm extremely ticklish there so don't try that with me. I'll kick any man who touches my foot.

  2. yeah definitely a good back rub or foot rub, maybe give her the remote for a while.

  3. a bear-tight hug, a backrub, more so with body massage, and kisses all over from my husband. lol

  4. Wont work for me! my husband will have to rub a lot more than my foot! LOL

  5. unfortunatly yes a foot rub would kill any wild bug up my a**. lol

    hes a good guy so he knows exactly how to make me calm, if only he could master the art of getting ice cream and flowers every time i had a bad day life would be great!.lol

  6. When I'm going on a tirade my husband will fight with me for a minute and then give up and listen for a minute and then he'll just grab me or push against something and kiss me. At first I want to struggle because I'm not done fighting but then I slowly forget what I was even fighting about to begin with.

  7. A good foot rub would not work on me, they just tickle me and make me madder =] my suggestion would be just treat me like a princess, no a queen, and hold me and just hang out with me, watch a chick-flick and fix me some ice cream.

  8. No, I would hate that, I don't like my feet being touched at all, and I don't like touching anyone else's, that would just infuriate me.  If i'm in a bad mood my husband can get me out of it quick enough, a good spanking usually does it.

  9. This is really great. I can't think of a better answer.

    I dated a real jerk for a while - and he was the best foot rubber - hmmmmmm.

  10. I don't like having my feet touched, but a good backrub can make me forget any resentment.

  11. yes a nice foot rub would calm me down ... but a shoulder massage would be even better :-)

  12. My husband just ignore me and leave me alone.  He knows I claw if he gets too close.  :D

  13. when i am upset i just want who ever made me upset to admit that they are wrong and i am right lol

    its true though..

    and then i just want my bf to hold me and tell me he loves me and its gonna be okay..

    a back or foot rub would be nice after all of this lol :]]

  14. Affection, love and respect is what keeps me happy. :)


  15. Hey, whatever works for you! I am older and pretty set in my ways by now, so it takes more to calm me down at times. Smile. Actually, a bear hug and a sweet and gentle kiss would do the trick for me. Passion might just be a bit too much at that moment, but it did work for a few years in the very beginning of our relationship. Also occasional shoulder rub would be nice. Feet massage I usually don't ask for, because it reminds me of my pregnancy: my feet swelled to an enormous size and hurt like h**l. My poor husband gave me so many feet, back and shoulder massages then, that it should last me for the rest of my life. Smile.
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