
Kefir Mishap?

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I made kefir for the first time doing everything correctly and then when I drank it, it was fine, tasted fine and smelled and looked great. Why did I vomit all night and day the next day? I am so disspointed!!! I was really excited to start incorporating Kefir into mine and my families life. After two day when I finally felt good enough to open the fridge again I went to throw the Kefir out and check for any contaminates, bad color, smell, ect. and everything was good. What could have made me sick, and my son sick too. Only he and I tried it and we both ended up sick.




  1. It definitely sounds like food poisoning. Maybe some extra bacteria got in.

  2. The bacteria that make people sick are not the same ones that make food spoil (though they can both be present at the same time, and the presence of the latter means the presence of the former is a strong possibility.)

    Unfortunately, one can get food poisoning from food that appears just fine superficially. Chalk it up to bad luck, sterilize everything, and try again using every sanitary precaution the recipe advises. If you are careful, the chances are excellent that the only microbes in the mix will be the ones you want to be there.
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