
Key broke in ignition

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My key is stuck in the ignition of my 1995 Z28 Camaro It had broken in half i can still use teh othe rhalf with teh chip on it to start the car but i really want the other half out. any advice?




  1. you can use some J-B Weld to attach some object to the remains of the key, making sure you don't also attach it to the lock itself, and then let it dry for a few hours before pulling it out.

    Good Luck

  2. magnet  

  3. You could replace the cylinder, that would probably be what most people tell you to do. However, I did know a guy out in Camp LeJeune who had a similar problem and I'll tell you what he did. He got some JB weld and mixed up a bit. He put just a VERY light coat on the broken key part he had, the slid it carefully into the ignition until it rested against the other half. He placed tape over it and allowed it to dry for 24 hours, then he just pulled it out. If you try this, be careful, you don't want to stick the key to the inside of the cylinder, so don't use too much.

  4. If you can't reach it, take advantage of the fact you can still turn it. Turning it allows you to remove the switch itself. If you can't remove it bring it to your mechanic, it will cost less at this point.

  5. Use a bobby pin / paper clip to get it out.

    good Luck...
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