
Kick a guy in the balls?

by  |  earlier

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OK I'm 24 and was walking home from work yesterday afternoon (My car is in the shop for a week). Anyway this guy around my age, looks normal and nice enough, didn't look like a creep, asked if I wanted/could kick him in the balls.

He was my age, looked like a guy that could be in my college, so I said "sure" and gave him a kick to his balls. He grabbed his crotch and bent over for a few seconds. And I walked away.

Girl would you have done the same thing in this situation?




  1. I won't.

  2. I would stick my fingers in his eyes and then give him the toughest defense move I ever learned in martial arts.

  3. I would have laughed at his stupid *** first, but I would have def kicked him too. If he asked for it then he must have really wanted.

  4. Wow.  Ur lucky that's all that happened.  Be careful of things like that because they could be a distraction trick to harm U.  He could have had a friend (or 3) waiting near by to take you down and beat/rob you or something crazy.  He sounded crazy enough.  So..... how'd it feel?  To kick another man in the testes?  

    Take care.

  5. Certainly not. I would have got away as fast as I could.

  6. I'm a GUY and a girl kicked me in my balls cuz I think she liked me.

  7. haha.

    what a loser.

    most likely though i would.

  8. sure, I always wanted to kick a guy in the balls. It sounds like he was stupid enough to deserve it anyways. good job

  9. you should have kept kicking while he was down.

  10. wtf? noooo

  11. twice

  12. Girls, I would let you kick me in the balls

  13. Been dying to do it for years.

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