
Kidney infection or just PMS?

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Last October I had a kidney infection in my left kidney. Now I'm starting to feel the same lower back pain and cramps as before, except on my right side now. But my period is also due, so that may be the cause. Should I tell my mom? It's been hurting like this for about two days(I had trouble sleeping last night because the pain was so severe), but I don't want to make my mom worry about me when it might just be PMS.




  1. kidney pains r typically described as being from "loin to groin".

    if dat is the case ,well it may b then a kidney prob..

    other symptoms of a kidney prob may b..

    1.alteration in urine habits..

    2.pain while urination

    3.blood or pus in urine(most common)

    4.swelling around the eyes esp. in the morning...

    if dats the case,u need to get urself checked by a physician

  2. In light of your past health history, don't take chances.  The pain may after all be due to an oncoming period but have you always had this sort of thing before a period???  Ask yourself that.  Although occasionally PMS occurs in teenagers, it's far more usual in women in their mid- to late-twenties.

    To be diagnosed with PMS, you must have at least 5 of the following symptoms and at least one of them must be in Group A:

    Group A

    Depressed mood, feelings of hopelessness

    Anxiety, tension

    Sudden and dramatic mood swings

    Anger, irritability

    Group B

    Decreased interest in usual activities

    Difficulty in concentrating

    Fatigue, lack of energy

    Change of appetite, overeating, food cravings

    Sleep disturbances

    Sense of being overwhelmed

    Physical symptoms such as breast tenderness or swelling, headaches, joint or muscle aches, bloating, weight gain

    Think how worried your mom would feel if this is serious and you DIDN"T tell her when she could have done more about it.  Tell her.  NOW.

  3. Yes tell your mom cause that happen to me and it was a kidney stone.

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