
Kidney pain and protein in urine?

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i'm currently 22 weeks pregnant and had an antenatal check up today with the midwife, and they found a trace of protein in my urine. I had been having mild pains in my kidney's so she reckoned it may be a small infection. About 45 Min's after the app i was in my local shopping center with my partner & i came across really dizzy and came pretty close to fainting. When i got home i phoned up & spoke to a midwife who said there wasn't much they could do, she made me feel like i was a hyper condriact and said that i'd have to wait and see how things go. Now i'm awake with this kidney pain getting worse & i feel really weird but i hate making a fuss. Can anyone shed any light as to what it could be?

i know i should phone up but am really trying to wait until morning unless i really need to.




  1. Ask to be checked for a urinary tract infection or kidney infection in the morning. Your blood pressure sounds like it is out. Did you accidently skip or miss and meals today or yesterday? Accidently skipping or missing meals during pregnancy can cause immediate health problems for both mom and baby. Increase your water intake and your protein intake to help with both problems. Don't worry about bothering anyone, you have hired your health team to answer your questions so that you don't have to sit and worry. Always make a fuss when you are pregnant, you know your body best. Best wishes, G

  2. Did the midwife say anything about your blood pressure? Protein in urine is a sign of a toxic pregnancy -- pre-eclampsia. Your dizzy spell could be due to blood pressure variations. (low bp also causes dizziness and fainting)

    If you are still in pain and still having symptoms, you should see a physician. I'm surprised that your midwife did NOT refer you to a physician for a suspected UTI. You might want to look for someone who is a better fit with your needs.

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