
Kids being around responible drinkers?

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when i say being around alcohol i mean in a responsible setting.

i was raised around my granparents who frequently hold card parties with their brothers and sisters. there was alot of drinking going on. however i have only once saw a perosn get drunk and get into a car. and the freak out that happend after instilled in me that that was not cool. my uncle also stays at my grandparents so that he is not on the rode after drinking. it has always been stressed to me that drinking and driving is a huge no no. also i have seen the worst of drinking and i know that i never want to get that bad.

what i am asking is do you think that letting children be raised in an envirnment with responsible drinkers makes it less likely that they will be irrasponsible drinkers than if they are never around alchol as a child.

i tend to think that if a child is never around alchol and is threated with punsihment if they dirnk will not know what to do once they have a beer in their had and not know who to call when they want to come home, so they get in a car and endanger others.




  1. It all depends on the parents and ow they explain it to the kids.  I personaly grew up in a zero-tolerance home where drinking was prohibited.  However, my brother and I both drank a ton in High School and College.  Not that I have never had one of those nghts in whic I wish I didn't get as drunk as I did but I grew out of it. If I go out with friends, I have a couple and have fun, I come home and go right to bed.  But my brother on the other hand could not control his drinking and ended up having to go into a sober program.  

    Some people who who have self-control problrms themselves have a hard time understanding that it is normal for my friends and I to go out and get drunk once a week.  They don't understandhow someone can drink and just stop at some point.  

    So, either way, if your parents are big drinkers or not, it all depends on your genentical make up and whether or not you have an addictive personality.

    If you find yourself drinking, drinking and drinking some more until you can't drink anymore...then you may have a problem but if you go out once night a week and are able to maintain your job, social life, etc. without any real problems then you are probably just a normal human being who like to have fun.  

    The rule is this:  "Has my drinking effected my life negatively on a reular basis?" then, yes, you have a problem.  But if you go out and have fun with your friends once or twice a week and don't wake up with a miion regrets the next day each time- then you are FINE.  Completely normal.

  2. in my opinion, it really varies from child to child.

    Some kids will see grandpa having a few beers, not really realize how few beers he's having, and then think it's okay to drink beer in general without really thinking about how much he's drinking.

    I think when it comes to being safe, yes- seeing is understanding. Knowing that if uncle joe has a glass of whiskey when he's over for dinner he's staying the night is important for a child to grow up knowing. It's better that they learn from seeing things like that, then having mom and dad tell you that uncle joe didn't make it home last night. I think that EVERY parent, regardless of your opinions of drinking, should responsibly tell their child "i don't agree with you drinking, it's illegal for you to do underage, and if you get caught you could get in very big trouble, but you NEED to know that if you have a drink and can't drive, I'll pick you up, no questions asked, no arguments, no nothing. And, if you're at a party you're not comfortable at, and you've been drinking and there are underage kids drinking, I will come get you, and I will not be the snitch parent" It's important that kids feel comfortable enough with their parents that they can call them at any hour at any time and get a ride.  

  3. My father is an alcoholic and he has been all my life. When I was younger I saw him super drunk all the time, along with my uncles. They never told me not to drink and drive, but I learned that in school. I did start drinking at an early age, but I was responsible about it, always have been. However, I think if drinking is going to be done around children, children should have a designated area to hang out at while the parent shave their own area to drink at. It is quite different than at bbqs and what not, bc its hard to seperate, but teaching children that alcohol is an adult beverage should be good enough until they need to be really sat down and spoken to.

  4. my father is sorta an alcoholic and i never think about getting drunk.. not because i see him but because i decide not to do it... i have done a few dares but i am 19 at the moment and i am alcohol free

    hope i helped

  5. drinking is not bad no, but alcoholism is....good point!

    yeah, it's good to educate kids on the dangers of drinking and driving.

  6. as a parent, all i can say is.  " do what i say and not what i do."  if you are a good parent.  you should tell your kids what they should and shouldn't do.  if you are a respect full parent.  your kids should respect what you say

  7. it is a fact, that by not demonizing alcohol like this country and its christian right like to do, only serves to lessen the mystery and teaches children it is not a big deal. when something is normal and taught properly how to handle it, it doesnt become evil.

  8. You're drunk right now aren't you?  Admit it!

  9. It's ok! Drinking is not that bad!  

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