
Kids sleeping aids/alarmclocks?

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I am trying to find a way to teach my 3yr old and 2yr old how to tell when it is time to wake up. The 2 that I am looking at are the "kidssleep alarm clock" and the "clever bunny clock". Has anyone tried these. Have they worked or have you found some problems. Can anyone offer any other suggestions as the clocks are fairly expensive




  1. We have a bunny alarm clock for my daughter.  She loves it and itdoes work, but there is one major drawback and that is the alarm is too sensitive and you cannot set it anywhere close to 12 hours prior to it going off, which is a nightmare as most toddlers are in bed around 12 hours before you want them to get up.  So I spend my whole life fiddling with it to get it to set.

  2. Yeah. A cheap "value" kitchen clock from the supermarket and stick it on the bedroom wall. Worked with mine; that and the instruction that if mum was still asleep it was probably still night-time - and that making a noise could be dangerous.

  3. routine for a start get them to associate different times with events like bed time bath time wake up time for a start make a childs clock with large figures and hands so when it bed time they can move the hands to correct time keep it simple

  4. they are expensive but really do work! i have the bunny one for my son who assumes that just because it is light it is time to get up! you can set it with or without sound. without is better so if they are still sleeping it doesnt wake them up. if bunnys eyes are shut and ears are down then its still bedtime! mite be worth looking on ebay for one

  5. The kidssleep alarm clock is good, get a 2nd hand one off ebay, it will save you alot of money. Both are equally good but my brother used the kidssleep and it worked well.

  6. I would say just buy a cheaper son has two because he assumes if its getting light its getting up time..summer is a nightmare, plus he's so tired. i just explained to him that if its not 7 o clock its night time. obviously yours are very young, and ive found that maybe a digital would be better and tell them when the first number is  7 (or whatever time you feel acceptable) you can get up. in fact im off to the shop now to get a digital as my son is claiming he cant tell the difference between 5.30 and 7am!!!

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