
Kids what do I do wrong?

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I am ok with little kids but not great more then once I have made them cry (which I am not sure why).I always try and include a compliment "good ___ now add ___." Or I will tell the whole group the same thing "everyone remember to punch straight" But sure enought one ofthe kids will start crying. I don't raise my voice or belittle them. I also try and keep it at their level and don't ask them to do anything I couldn't do when I was their level.

Then with obvious external injuries I know what to do, but am lost when nothing seems wrong like when they are running and trip. The kids just seem to cry and nothing I say stops it and then 2 seconds after my sensei comes over they stop and are all gigles and smiles. When he just said a version on what I said. I've asked for sugestions before but not any luck.

Help with children 6-9. please!




  1. try smiling more and be honest

  2. Not to be harsh, but it sounds like you've done everything that you can do, so perhaps you're just not meant to work with kids...

    Or it could just be the kids.  I taught 5 and 6 year olds Tae Kwon Do (and older children also) and I NEVER had ANY of them cry.  I've never even SEEN ANY of the kids at my TKD school cry.  I've seen a few adults cry because of injuries, but never a child.  Perhaps it has more to do with the kids training at your school than you.

  3. This is why it is best not to start martial arts until they are 9 years old. Some kids younger than 9 are able to concentrate and maintain focus but it is rare! I personally have never had any kids crying in class. I speak to them more or less like adults, focusing on proper technique and power. You need to get them so focused on what they are doing they have no time to start thinking and crying. I tell them how a high punch is directed at the upper lip and how if you punch hard enough the face will spit open and the brain will drop down, then I give them an example of how hard you must punch to do this. THIS GETS THEIR ATTENTION, and works for adults too. If the kids are too young to hear this, they are too young to be in class and this is the problem with schools that reley on revenue teaching children younger than 9.

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