
Killer robots from space?

by  |  earlier

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skeptic's say there can not be any aliens.One of the reasons is that space is to big and they can't get here because it would take too long. but what they were ROBOTS? killer robots lol




  1.   Cool dude,very cool.

  2. surely if space is to big and there are billions of other planets doesnt that mean that there are more chances of aliens..??

    but yes robots etc or machines could potentially kill....and be even more advanced then us..

  3. Skeptics with little education and experience in the field of astronomy and cosmology say that there is no chance of life on other planets. I dissagree. There are about 750,000,000,000,000,000 stars in the visible universe. Lets say each star has an average of 5 planets... we don't know, but lets say so. Do the calculation and thats approximately how many planets are in the visible universe. There is no way that we are the only life in the universe.

    Aliens are not visiting Earth, however. The closest star is 4.2 light years away. If this species were to create space ships that could travel at or close to light speed it would take at least 4.2 years for them to get here. Why would they spend 4.2 years coming out here, when there are multiple solar systems within a light year of them? And what are the chances that there is life, and that it has evolved into intelligent life capable of space travel?

    Robots have to be created by someone... they don't magically appear.

  4. yeah you are made me think of such situation's.coz universe is not a small place its expanding gosh really there can be many robots out there...........................

  5. well if they were killer robots. we'd be doomed lol. kinda like the terminator i guess

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