
Killing wolves?

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Do you think we should kill wolves just to kill?




  1. If there eating livestock or  hanging around towns endangering  people. But definetly not for fun !!!!!!

  2. no, we know that sometimes that they attack people but that does not mean that all wolves are bad killing wolves is like killing dogs. the reason wolves attack is that you are getting to close to them

  3. No one in their right mind wants to kill these animals just for the sake of killing.  We do need to look at the cost and benefits of having them in certain areas prior to reintroducing them.  Take for instance Yellowstone National Park, Yellowstone had wolves located in it prior to the reintroduction that occurred in the 80's.  Now, the packs are too strong and are pushing other animals such as elk, deer, bison calves, and bighorn sheep away from water sources.  This is not bad, but one of the largest North American Predators is about to feel the pinch.  The grizzly bear, slowly attempting to claw its way out of it's endangered status relies on four main feeding times.  In the spring it eats the winter-kills--now gone due to the wolves eating them earlier in the winter, we messed up the cycle of cutthroat trout long ago with the introduction of lake trout that don't travel up the rivers as the cutthroat trout once did, and pesticides are killing of the moths that the grizzlies feed upon in the highlands.  So, by acting as god once again and putting our nose in nature's way we have possibly doomed the grizzly.  So, should we kill just to kill?  No, we should kill to re-maintain the natural order prior to when our interference started to doom other species.

  4. Idaho or Wyoming is about to issue the first hunting permits for wolves.  Just like biologists, ranchers, and sportsmen said, sooner or later their populations would increase to the point of them being a problem.  In some places they already have.  Why are their lives worth any more than the elk and mule deer that they are decimating?  If I was a rancher up there, the hunting season for marauding wolves would have opened several years ago.

  5. NO but just like any other animal fur trapping and hunting quotas can and should be allotted when populations begin to get to high.AS long as the harvested animal is made full use of and not left in the wild to rot

  6. No animals should be killed just for the sake of killing !!

  7. NO! They were nearly extinct just a few decades ago. There was a release program in the 1980's, and they are only now beginning to  be viable again. I'd guess that killing them would involve some really hefty fines. Remember, they have their place in the ecology, especially since bleeding heart liberals have make deer hunting so unpopular that deer now starve to death because of lack of predation.
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