
Kindergarden activity?

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Okay i have to plan an activity for 18 kindergarden kids. It has to be fun and directions easy for them to understand! And only takes an hour to complete! Thanks Oh yeah they need to learn something too! :)




  1. First its Kindergarten second try

  2. Just let them draw.  Kids love to draw.  Drawing is educational because it will improve their drawing skills plain and simple.

  3. You could tell them the story of the 3 little pigs and then have them make paper bag puppets so they can retell it on their own.  You can either use your own patterns for it for the kids to trace around, or just print out these.



  4. Hey i remember when i wazs in kindergarden and this is a great idea! Read a story like the 3 little pigs or cinderella and put the kids in a group! in there groups give them a picture of a part of the story to draw within the groups! And when they are completely finish let the kids come to the front of the class with thier pictures and tell what they drew! Or you can have the kids put the story in order by the pictures they drew(thats what we did). Its fun and Lets THE KIDS GET TO KNOW THERE CLASSMATES1

  5. do little face mask of barn animals have them color then cut it out get elastic from walmart then section off the room as a barn yard and have them place themselves in "their" appropriate spots. While doing this have old mcdonald playign in the back.

  6. I know make a game with colors tell tehm to go in a cricle and get some colored dots and tell them  to only go on one when you call on then call one like yellow, this game is like musical charism, or try this cut out some letters and put them on dots and tell to stand in a circle then calll out a letter, like b this helps them to know what a letter and reading skill. If that dosen't help a field trip might to a math play, or this

  7. First check the district/school curriculum guides.  That will help you focus on what the kids need to learn--will it be language arts, math, science, or will it be an integrated unit?The guides will let you know what they are expected to know.  My district has the state standards broken down by quarters so we know what needs to be taught/assessed  in each quarter.  If this activity is a course assignment just about anything may do, but if it is for a real classroom, you will need to know something about the kids in the class and whether they are high-middle-low and plan differentiated lessons that will reach all the learning styles and levels of achievement.

    A good language arts activity could involve reading a big book then having the students read it with you in a shared reading activity after which they could role play, do an art activity related to the book, or draw/write about their favorite part of the book.  I agree that an hour is a long time to hold a kinder's attention!  You could have the activities set up in centers and have the students rotate through the centers at 10-15 minute increments depending upon the time of year and then have them return to the meeting area to discuss the activities and perhaps discuss their favorite center or read what they have drawn/written.






  9. Ok, kindergartener's attention span is very short so within an hour, you need to have many activities or you're asking for trouble!

    I would suggest starting with a very colorful and interesting big book, like The Very Hungry Catepillar.  Have the kids predict as you read, drag it out.  Then do an activity following that.  Or read a book where the kids are repeating you or doing some sort of physical activity.  This takes up time and they enjoy it.  So I would pick a book and then research on the internet activities to do with that book
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