
Kindergarden half days?

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A school Im looking at for my daughter is half days. 830-1115 and 1225-305. How does that work? She can only go to one of the halves? Im not sure if her daycare picks up at this school, I will have to find out. What grade will be full days?




  1. We had full days, we started at 7:30 and went to 2:45 you learn so much when you are little, why wouldn't you go a full day? First grade is always full days and from their on

  2. Here in Kentucky kindergarten is full days.

  3. I was in PM kindergarten back in the day, and the place I went to in the morning when my parents went to work would drop I think it was 3 of us off right after lunch and pick us back up every day when school was out.  One of my parents would then come and get me at 5 or so.  Definitely check into your daughter's daycare, because not having to shuttle her around would probably make your life so much easier -- if all other things are equal, of course.  

    We did other educational stuff for parts of the morning, if I remember correctly, so it might be good if you can find something like this that would actually even approximate a full day of kindergarten.

    1st grade and beyond should be full days, at least in probably the approximately 8-3 sense.

  4. Full days should be started in first grade.

    Personally I think Kindergarten should be full days. 8 or 9 to1 or 2

    But they want to split them up so they get better attention.

    If you want her to do full days there might be a school in your area that has full days.

  5. typically, full days begin in first grade. Try private schools most of them offer kindergarden full days

  6. A lot of school districts are switching to all day every day kindergarten. Evidently, your district is behind the times!  Yes, she only goes one half of the day and rides the bus home.  1st grade is normally when they start full days.

  7. Ususally, full days start in first grade.

    i must tell you, afternoon kindergarden is s much more popular than morning

  8. Yes, your daughter will only do one half of the school day. If her daycare is within the school district, you can arrange for the bus to either pick her up or drop her off at the day care or both depending on what you would need for accomodations. Bus companies are generally okay with doing that so long as parental consent is provided. First grade will allow your daughter to stay the full day from 830-305!

  9. When I was in kindergarten, I did the morning half for half days. It is only kindergarten that does this, as first grade will be full days. (The year after I was kindergarten, the school made kindergarten a full day program)

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