
Kindergarten/ nursery near busy road?

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I cringe when I see toddlers playing so close to the road. It is well fenced off and safe enough on that account, but the continuous traffic passing them, with only a railing and a pavement between them, makes me wonder how much carbon monoxide those little mites breathe in on a daily basis. Should this nursery have been given a licence? And would you send your child there?




  1. I think Denise's response is right on.  They have to meet the regulations or else they wouldn't be licensed.  You need to decide for your own family.  

    We also remember that children are outside for only a certain amount of time and I'm sure that the staff considers the risks and that effects the scheduled outdoor play time.

  2. There is one downt he road from me and I have always wondere you know how inthe world they could get a licenses to operate where they are to. It is well fenced yes but that donot stop carbon monoxide and exhaust fumes! This one is right next to a very busy Tim Hortons drive threw (as in the only thing seperating the playspace from the cars driving threw 2 feet away is a wood and chain fence! is is done so that the drive threw is a tight sort of alley so no breathing space at all)

    It scares me that sometime there might be an accident in the winter or something or the air they breath, never mind it is also on a busy 4 lane road!!

  3. It is definitely NOT a good idea for Head Start/Kindergarten,nor any other school where kids play close to a road, EVEN if it is well-fenced.  This is what happened when my daughter Danielle, who is now 17 and a Senior in High School was in Pre-K. At about 0740 one morning a woman who was late for work was speeding around the corner by the school, this woman lost control and drove her car through the heavy chain-link fence onto the playground and into the shed (completely destroying it) where all of the kids tri-cycles and wagons were kept...if it had been 20 minutes later every one of our 25-4 year olds would have been out there and we can ONLY IMAGINE what the death toll would have NO I don't believe playgrounds should be built close to a busy street...Thank God I have my PRECIOUS Daughter to watch Graduate from High School this year.

  4. I probably wouldn't send my child there, but not because of the fumes the cars expose, but because of the potential accidents that could happen while the kidos are out playing. I would hate for a vehicle to lose control and run into that playground area, or even the building itself.

  5. I think that you will find that the registration must have been approved by OFSTED, however i understand your concerns as a parent. YOu need to choose the setting that is right for your child that fits in with your lifestyle choices, these are not shared by everyone and i am sure that the setting you refer to has alot of positive qualities that allows parents to choose to send their children there. Unfortunately, you cannot change location of the building and it is a shame that the children are exposed to traffic fumes as you say, but i am sure the staff reqgulate the amount of time spent outside and beware of rush hour!!

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