
Kinship/ Foster/ Adoption Question?

by Guest57208  |  earlier

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Can someone tell me the differences between kinship adoption/ fostering and regular adoption/ foster. I do know that kinship is family, we are in the process of looking into it to get custody of my nephew but any other information would be helpful. We are in NY btw




  1. It sounds as if you may be dealing with the foster care system.  Usually, when people refer to kinship care, they are referring to placing a child in the home of a family member and sometimes even a close friend (e.g., god parent) who is like family to the child.

    Kinship adoption refers to adoption by a family member which is one of the preferred permanency plans after reunification.

    Regular foster care means that a child is placed in a foster home that has been licensed by the state/agency.  Meaning the foster family has gone through the requirements like attending classes, submitting to fingerprints and completing a criminal background check, etc.  And, of course, if the foster parent choose to adopt, then that would be considered regular adoption - adoption by a non-relative.

    Usually, kinship care providers do not receive foster care stipends but they may be eligible for flex funds.  Also, kinship care providers may take classes to become regular foster care parents by going through the process outlined by the agency/state.

  2. Kinship adoption or kinship fostering is when you are taking a child into care because they are a relative and the child has not gone thru the typical - who can find a place for this kid type scenario.

    Foster care is when you agree to care for the child without the parents giving up the right to be the custodial parents again in the future. You may end up adopting your foster child (I did) or someone else adopting them or the child going back to their birth parents.

    Foster adoption is when a child is placed with you that has not yet been released for adoption, but probably will be. So you are a foster parent until they are free to be adopted.

    Adoption is when you become a parent legally and forever.

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