
Kitty potty problems, why?

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My cat is a little over a year old, Shes been moving with me where ever i go... We moved to Florida in January and it didn't seem like we had any problems. She moved in with my boyfriend while I was in between houses, and there was no problem, but the minute I moved in with him for 3 weeks she started peeing on the bed, wasn't a big deal at first we just figured it was because her litter box was covered, and we just sanitized the memory foam and washed the sheets. I took her to the vet and they ran all her tests and nothing was wrong with her medically. Well we moved into our new house in April and all was well, We got a new bed, nothing bad happened, and just in the past week shes back to peeing on the bed, and the rug that we have in front of our shower. I cant figure out why she would be doing this... we have 2 litter boxes, and they are always clean, we have another cat (we got for her anxiety issues, which worked) and hes fine no problems... I have no idea what to do. I'm expecting a baby and cant be cleaning this up all the time... Whats wrong with her? What are we doing wrong? What can we do to fix this... I'm afraid I'm going to have to put her down... :(




  1. you don't put a animal down because they don't pee where you want them to.

    she is probaly stressed from all the moving.

  2. I'm having the same problem with my cat too. :( but my cat is 13. Try confining her into one large room with her litterboxes to see if this helps. When she hasn't had any accidents for a while let her out. Hopefully she gets the point.  

  3. It's because you are expecting - and because of the new living situation.  

    FIRST OF ALL, don't put her down.  No matter what - give her to another single person, or to a humane society first - I gave my beloved cat away when I was pregnant and had cancer - I couldn't give him enough attention anymore, and I just listed him on as a give away - no money wanted - and some very nice couple took him and love him very much - they even send me a picture now and then.  YOU DON'T HAVE TO PUT HER DOWN.

    Second of all, have your boyfriend get to know her better - she doesn't like that you and he sleep together and she isn't invited - especially if she slept with you before, she feels like he's moving in on her territory and you are ignoring her.  Have the boyfriend get to know her better and you spend special one on one time with her, playing with toys, petting, cuddling, giving treats, also my cat loved one of those laser pointers - he'd chase it all over while I was aimng it on the wall making it dance.

    Third of all, animals are very sensitive to the hormones pregnant women have and she may be reacting to that.  My friend had this old grumpy little dog and when she got pregnant both times he would try to bite her and would just sit and growl at her for  hours at a time - when she had the baby, no problems - they had a mother in law take the dog until the baby was born to fix the problem.

    When you clean the area the cat pees on do you clean it with Amonia?  That will keep her from peeing there over and over, because it will get rid of her urine smell.  Also, if you ever catch her, spray her with a spray bottle that has just maybe a half of a teaspoon of amonia in it - it will sting her eyes and scare her - that's a good trick for any behavioral problems in cats.

    Good luck, but if you come to then end of your rope, just give her away to a nice single person - she might just need to be one on one!

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