
Know any good urban myth's?

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Type of things i'm looking for are for example:- Bob Geldof is attributed with saying, 'give us your ******* money' during an interview at live aid 85. If you watch it back, he never said this. Hence an urban myth. Know any?




  1. The Great Wall of China can be seen from the moon. First said before anyone has even been into space. Optically, it is the equivalent of being able to see a single human hair from 2 miles away. Not possible.

  2. Yeah my husband once said "I promise to put all my dirty pants in the washing basket" so far it hasn't

  3. That you need an apostrophe to make a word plural...?

  4. Hilary Clinton has a nice personality, honestly.

  5. It's a myth that there's an apostrophe in myths.

  6. try this website:

    That's the website that confirms or refutes urban myths.

  7. Here is a site that you might find interesting. It has a number of urban legends of the type you describe. I've linked you to one of my personal favourites, involving Mariah Carey. Makes you wish she'd actually said it:

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