
Krispy Kreme as a fundraiser?

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I have a small group of pre-teen girls and we are looking to raise money for a mothers day project. Someone suggested selling krispy kremes. Have you ever done that? About how much do you make per box. I think one box is suppose to be sold at $8.00. Thanks for your help




  1. That is a great idea! I know Krispy Kreme carries coupons for buy 1 dozen original glazed, get 1 dozen free so be sure to look out for those before you begin! Google 'Krispy Kreme Coupons' for possible offers.

  2. Check out their website (in your country).

    There will be info on it, indicating costs and what percentage is yours for fund-raising.

    The cost and what you get to keep would vary depending on what country you are in.

    For instance a box of 12 Krispy Kreme donuts, costs about $13.00 in Australia.

  3. Yea, student council at my school did that. We sold each dough nut for a dollar, but i guess if you're selling by boxes and each has 24 dough nuts, $8 is good.

  4. Yeah, they used to do this for United Way and other fundraisers when I was in high school. The kids used to eat them up. That will definetly work. You will make lots of money, trust me!

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