
LEArNING NEW WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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i want to learn new words is there a website that i could type problem and it would come up with like dilemma and other words that mean the same thing but sound smarter




  1. Yes.  It's called a thesaurus

  2. Sure, you want a synonym dictionary.  go online - here was my google search:

    By the way, you could also check out a great synonym dictionary at your local library or bookstore.  They're a wonderful reference for school!

  3. I think you need a thesaurus ot whatever try searching online thesaurus on google

  4. Liam, there are websites that will help you come up with words that mean the same thing and sound smarter.  Sounds like you want synonyms?  

    I just checked out the on-line Visual Thesaurus and it is very nifty.  I played a little with their trial version, putting your word, problem in.  It's the first source below.

    In fact, if you Google (or Yahoo!) the word thesaurus, you will find many websites you could use.

    What I actually use the most is the thesaurus or dictionary option that comes with Microsoft Word.  Here's how you use it:  

    Type the word problem.  Put your cursor over the word and hit shift F7.  That will bring up the thesaurus and MANY synonyms for the word problem.  You can click on any synonym and bring up a new list of synonyms for that word.  

    You can also click on the drop-down menu beside the word Thesaurus and choose the dictionary, encyclopedia or various other sources.  

    I find this method really quick and easy.

    Hope this helps!

  5. well i don't know smarter words for "dilemma" but if you go to you can participate in a multiple-choice quiz.  The words the site uses are mostly words that people don't even know about.  Not only will you learn new words, but you will be donating rice to less fortunate countries.  

  6. you could use a thesaurus.  go to

    hope this helps!

  7. What you need is a thesaurus.

    You can find it here:, and click on thesaurus after you type the word.  

  8. then go under thesaurus

  9. has a word of the week that you can sign up for.  i'm sure sparknotes and places like that have words of the week also.  i would also try for some new words.  Good Luck!!

  10. use microsoft word, type a word, highlight it, right click and use the thesaurus thing

  11. use the thesaurus in microsoft word.... thats what its there for!!

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