
LGBT,i have a crush!please help?

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ok so i started a new school recently,and i really hated it untill i saw this guy!!well,he`s in my class and he looks like a really kind guy,but the thing is that i don`t really know how to make friends anymore(i`m 16)and i just feel like an old wild tiger who`s just been put in the circus!!so please help me out!like what kind of conversation could i start with him without sounding lame or like i`m trying to be so cool!!?

thnx alot!!and...





  1. ok coolies

    um contact me cuase i have same sitch

  2. just be yourself... be normal like how you'd start a convo with someone else;...

  3. Ok,this will be a little bit hard, coz I dont know the guy that u r talking about.

    Try to approach him and ask him sthg.

    If u know that he's good in sports, ask for his help in sports. If he's a hacker, ask him about computers.

    Pretend to need help from him,sou can ask sthg frm him, or pretend that u need some information about sthg that he's mastered in.

    Then if u know that he need helps,help him immidiately.

    That will build ur friendship,and when both of u are close enough, ask him whether he's a g*y or not

  4. well im not g*y.

    but if you are and you dont know if this dude is g*y or what not

    maybe you should just try asking him about the work you are doing in the class...

    thats probably the most obvious thing to do bro!

    if i liked a girl in class i would just ask her about the work and ask her to explain things to me and if she seemed interested just keeping talk to her a for a couple weeks then ask her for her number then ask her out!

    but since ur g*y turn my hers to he... tell me if it works! Goodluck.

  5. Making friends is really easy, pay attention to him and see where hes interests lie (Im straight but) This kid that basically just saw me as a weirdo, I soughtve got a vibe from him (not supernatural type stuff lol) that he might like anime and I really like anime, so I asked him and hes obsessed with anime, so now he borrows my dvds etc he also likes books etc so now were like best buds, just pay attention to what he says, what he does do it sneeky and sly (see him at the shops, follow him see where he goes *smiles*)

    even the basic stuff like books might help I mean basically everyone reads books, so get him interested in a book series you read..and he'll have a reason to talk to you, e.g. if you see him with a book reccomend some of your own favourites.. but dont seem real anxious too layed back

    hope I helped! =]


  6. Start spending more time with the guy that you are interested in ,briefly introduce yourself to the person.

    Get to know the person better, but don't get too personal. Ask him where he lives, what are their interests, or sometimes even a simple "What's up?" will do. Try to get a conversation going.

    Speak in a friendly tone, and try to act casual.

    Use decent humor where you feel appropriate. If you use it in the wrong place at the wrong time, the results are probably not going to be positive.

    Invite him to your house and just act as guy friends, play video games, maybe go to a movie.

    If at this stage he is laughing alot at your jokes or seems to be touching you more than usual, you can be pretty sure that he likes you the same way you like him.

    *when you guys become good friends* Invite him to a coffee shop or a neutral place, where you can tell him how you feel about him. This way if you were wrong about his feelings he or you can easily leave.

    If he says yes take things slowly; go to each other's house and just hang out; become comfortable with one another.

    By this stage you might have your first kiss.

    Good luck!

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