
LGBT rights in Korea?

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In Korea, people do not discriminate against LGBT people. In fact, they do not distinguish the difference between heterosexuals and LGBT peoples, they're truly equals. The secular government never has discriminated against LGBTs as people but the socialist culture discourages the "materialistic g*y culture that is popular in western capitalist nations" because it promotes classism and promiscuity that goes against Juche communism. In fact, P'yongyang alone has many LGBT people living in it and the people don't even acknowledge that they are any "different" than anyone else In intervies with Korean defectors, they say that they had no idea that "g**s" are labeled as different from "straights" and did not know such distinctions existed until they left the country. What paradise!




  1. As a response to BlondDude, the human race will NEVER end until the world does. There will always be straight people, and some of the people that claim to be g*y end up marrying straight and having kids.

    Besides, our world is hideously over-populated as it is. g*y people are actually helping and not harming.

    The human race is more likely to end from global warming and murderers than from lesbians and g**s.

  2. cool, no discrimination, the world has too many people having g*y people help us reduce our resource crisis and let some orphaned children have a chance to have a family

  3. points

  4. I do support people who are g*y, but I think it's becoming too common.

    In the old times, people wouldn't be allowed to be g*y, and would have a wife and kids and probably be comfortable and happy.

    I think there are too many g*y people, and I think that because there are too many g*y people there are gonna be less children born. The human race will end.

  5. To Blonddude, actually g**s were not looked down upon in the past. Even hermaphrodites were worshiped by some cultures because of the fact that they had both male and female organs, and that was seen as god like, for they truly knew what it was like to be both male and female. As for orientation, even the Spartans has many g*y relations, as growing up in the spartan world being a male you were trained to be a killer, from the age 7, when you were in your late teens, you had a mentor someone of an older age, an older male that had years of experience. It has been proven that they more then likely had a sexual relation as well as friendship, and training, ect for war. This was of course because of the fact that they had no women around since the age 7, and that it was practically good because men fighting along men in regiments, that were once lovers, is the strongest bond you can have. Of course after the young boy graduated, he had to cut his ties with the mentor, as his lover. Now for females, they also were trained in the art of fighting, but there main propose was to have babies, strong babies. Spartan society truly every one of same gender was exactly the same. The young boys would have arranged marriages, after graduation, and during the night, would sneak in there house and have s*x with there wife. This is because during the day they men were doing there military thing, and it was duty to make babies, basically s*x was s*x. They never saw there wives in day light until around the age of 30. In the roman times, this was evident too. And in many other cultures. They did not care if a king was g*y, as long as he was able to choose a bride, and make a baby to pass on the name, he could have as many g*y partners as he wanted. Back then females were just tools to make babies and continue the population.

    So yeah, It should even MATTER now and days if your g*y or not, studies shows that about 20pct of the population is part of LGBT, which is a good number out of 6billion people in the world. It shouldn't really matter about procreation, because of the fact that there is somany d**n people in the world. Dont say it is a choice either to be g*y ect or not, because it isnt. For goodness sakes there fing g*y penguins. Well yeah theres a little incite on some history. Oh and really America is one of the very few nations that band basically LGBT rights ect and so forth. Even Europe supports LGBT, cuz it doesnt matter.  

  6. I am thai. I live in Thailand.Thailand is very very very open country for LGBT you can hug your couple or hold his/her hands in public.
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