
LGBTs how many of you...?

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have started school already? or are barely starting? or don't go to school anymore?

I'm starting my senior year on Monday but... I have a test the first day back so thats going to suck. Ahh and then college application. Yay fun year.




  1. starting in less than two days

  2. College in a week.

  3. im in college.

    i hate school.....always have.

  4. wow i still have a week and a half to go, yeah im in my final year also and have to fill out univeristy form, omg i still have my volunteer hours.

  5. Grade 11 on Tuesday Sept 2nd.  >.<

  6. Not in school anymore.  

    Good luck on Monday.  Senior year can be fun, except at the end most of us suffered from Senioritis.

  7. I'm too old for school. lol.


  8. Even with the AP and college apps, senior year is one of the best years of your life ever.  I'm serious- it's positively amazing! I graduated last year and am starting college classes on Monday.  It's pretty exciting.  Still, I'm nervous.

  9. not me, I'm going back to college in september  D=

  10. I graduated high school about 15 years ago. I'm 33 now.

  11. I'm entering the 8th grade on tuesday...

    Kinda excited

    Kinda nervous though

  12. I start my senior year on Wednesday..

    Woo! I'm actually excited. :]

    Aren't you?

    EDIT: Oh, well. I just don't really want to think about college apps.. I only have half a year though, because I go to a really awesome school. And the second semester is spent doing something we enjoy. Interning at places and such. Like, a friend of my interned at London Literary. Another went to Africa to help this organic HIV clinic. We do lots of cool stuff.

  13. i get to return to the holyrollers on tuesday =(

    at least its my junior year

    but that also means ACT and SAT. =/  

  14. Last time I was in school was in 1990 as a grad student. School was fun but I could have done without all those tests...

  15. I'm stating next week as a junior which totally suck considering that if my mom would have let me get double promoted i would be starting college *sigh* but i guess i can wait

  16. lol it started today but i decided to talk to my boss and ill be starting next semester. college rocks man. you can choose when to go and when not to go.

  17. i started school on monday, it was a good week for being a freshman lol :)

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