
Labour voters and iraq?

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my cousin died in iraq today cause of a illegal war will the labour voters sign there sons of daughters up ?




  1. I'm in the US and I think it should be a requirement on those in congress that vote for or in the case of the president sign off on a war be required to have at least one son/daughter to enlist. Accountability has to start sometime, it would be nice anyways.

  2. I am sorry for anyone who dies in Iraq BUT do you honestly believe that any other political party would have done anything different??????????

  3. My deepest regrets and thoughts to you and your family. This tragic occupation is senseless. Many American citizens are getting informed and taking aggressive political action. We have "winter soldier" testimonies describing experiences of soldiers. There are admitted atrocities that are being committed systemically, but they are being covered up. "Winter soldier" testimonies are not being covered by any press to my knowledge.

    The US lost a football star by the name of Pat Tillman who had sworn to return to the United States and become an anti-war activist. Rumsfeld attempted to make his death look like a heroic death in a bad news week for him that had exposed Abu Graib and the slaughter at Faluja. After a series of lies and changed stories, the truth was exposed that he had been shot by his own team. Some claim it was deliberate murder. Rumsfeld was clearly involved in the cover up and changing stories.

    It's an invasion and occupation that defies the UN Charter and consequently the US Constitution. The US president and administration should be impeached, but will not because it's off the table according to the corporate-friendly Democrats.

    The Democrats have done nothing for the people and everything for large corporations. I hope that Mr. Ralph Nader's candidacy for the president can help open up the debate. In the US, the media is complicit in marginalizing third party candidates and in some cases completely freezing them out of the process by ignoring them.

    At least Britain accepts third parties into their decision making processes.

  4. My grandmother was a Labour voter and she lost two of her sons in ten days fighting for a conservative Prime Minister.

  5. c u next tuesday

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