
Lack of motivation......someone help!!!!

by  |  earlier

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i always seem to go through these phases of training and eating correctly but this only lasts for a month then back to my old ways. drinking loads of lager eating loads of takeaways and just not bothering myself to go to the gym.

My image is that i am a tall, broad, male. with slightly big arms. so i know i can do it buts its just i have forgotten how to keep myself motivated.




  1. It is obvious that you are motivated sometimes and then again, your resolve melts away when life's little pleasures entice you to enjoy burning the candle from both ends.

    I hope I am right at guessing you would be between 18 and 25, as that was the age range when I was suffering from the exact same symptoms utill my self indulgence took me straight into obesity.

    Boy is downing that glass, preferably bottom up, ever so gratifying! I miss that a lot because of the sheer intense pleasure I derived from doing it. And  then again, there is nothing like the feeling of pure satisfaction after two big macs and fries and a large coke that hits the spot and keeps one happy untill way after midnight. That too I miss.

    No, I don't do those anymore, because of the price I have to pay at the other end. When my BMI hit 33/34 I freaked out and decided to go for healthy again, that's about 16 years ago today. It took me two and a half years to get back to normal, eating less and jogging 2 to 3 miles every single day.

    But I managed to do this by understanding what I was actually doing to my body and how much damage I was inflicting upon myself by giving myself too much slack.

    Today, I still do the jogging bit 5 days out of 7 for the sheer pleasure of it and the benefits I derive from giving myself a nice work out. I sleep better, no depressions, no trouble with motivation at all, a great looking body and stamina.

    So I am pretty sure you don't need to be convinced you could improve on your levels of self indulgence because you already know you are cutting yourself way too much slack. That's fine, there's nothing wrong with that, I'll be the last person to pass judgement because I was there myself.

    Maybe you just need reminding that your body will present you with the bill sooner or later and that there will be no escaping having to pay the price, either in deteriorated health and looks, either with the distant memory of a long forgotten youth when you convinced yourself you could get away with everything.

    I barely escaped this trap and I feel sorry for the legions who didn't. What did you mean when you wrote "I have just forgotten..." ? I mean, let's get real, you don't actually believe this load of hogwash yourself, do you?

    I had to get up and give myself the proverbial kick in the rear end to get moving and stop deluding myself. What did the trick was that I asked myself the question: "is it really worth giving up your self respect?"

    Then again, when I hit 24 on my BMI, there is NOTHING that compares to the high of looking at one's healthy, toned and muscled body right after a good shower, seconds away from your loved one on  the bed next door, while anticipating....

  2. I wish I knew how to get you're doing better than I am.  But I think it helps to have someone to do it with you.  You could use your girlfriend or a buddy you know and have them go to the gym and you push each other to get a good workout.  Dogs are good for cardio because you have to walk them everyday.  Just get a dog that likes that sort of thing.  I use my dog, but sometimes she's lazier that I am....

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