
Lack of protien?

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i started being a vegetarian about a week ago, but i havnt been getting any protein. i plan to start taking supplements but havnt bought any yet. is this bad. i also work out, about once a day, but i havnt since i started because i heard it can cause muscle LOSS if you don't get protein.




  1. If your not getting any protein you must be eating white sugar on white bread, everything else has protein content. I wish people would read up on following a vegetarian diet before starting one.

  2. yes you lose muscle try eating cheese,beans,eggs and drink milk for protein or soy products like tofu.

  3. What you heard is true.

    A true vegetarian needs either supplements or dairy products like milk and cheese...

    I'm sorry but humans were not designed to be herbivores...just be careful with your do know statistically being a vegetarian does not increase your life expectancy...

    These life choices will increase your life and lead to an healthier body:

    Stay within acceptable weight - being overweight will decrease your life by 2-3 years.

    Don't smoke.

    Regular exercise.

    Learn to handle stress - researchers are finding that stress is playing an important part in life expectancy.

    Eat a balanced diet.

  4. ok check out my newest question is will totally help you out

    its says how you can use tofu in a smoothie

  5. You can get protein shakes and supplements at Whole Foods. They are very knowledgeable there. Or try a health food store.

  6. What on earth are you eating that you aren't getting any protein?  Are you starving yourself?  Because there's only two ways you aren't getting protein:  1) You aren't eating or 2) You're eating junk food.  Kwasiorkor is all but unheard of in industrialized nations.  

    And even VEGANS get more protein than they really need.

  7. Have you ever seen ANYone in the Western world become ill because of the lack of protein?

    It rarely happens.

    The reality of protein is that our bodies don't need as much of it as we are lead to believe. We actually need more fibre and various vitamins and minerals. The Standard American Diet actually has TOO MUCH protein because of all the animal derived products that are consumed.

    When ascribing to a veg*n diet, the body is most likely getting just the right amount of protein. Not too much and not too little.

    As long as you are eating a balanced diet, you should not need to take supplements. Make sure you eat beans, legumes, fruit, veggies and whole grains. You will eat enough protein through your food.

    I work out 6 days per week. I do a combination of high-intensity cardio, heavy weight training, yoga and pilates. I'm doing just fine without taking any pills and I follow a vegan diet. You just have to watch what you eat and you'll be fine!

    Good luck!

  8. Try beans and rice. And tofu (fry it in a pan, marinated). Check protein labels on everything you eat to make sure you get <50g  and make extra sure you get enough vitamin B12 since that is what you lose from not eating meat. Go to to figure it all out.

  9. Eat whole grains, beans, tofu as well as fresh vegetables & fruits.

  10. How on earth have you not been getting any protein?  Have you just not been eating?  Or, I don't know, eating nothing but watermelon?

    Protein is everywhere.  If you are eating a variety of foods from the vegetarian food groups, you are getting plenty of it.  Good vegetarian sources include soybeans and soy foods (tofu, tempeh, tvp, edamame, fake meat products,) beans and other legumes (chickpeas, peas, lentils, peanuts, peanut butter,) whole grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables (especially dark green ones,) mushrooms, dairy products and eggs.  It is almost unheard of for someone in the developed world to actually be protein deficient.

    Here is some info on how much you really need, where to get it and why you don't want too much of it:
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