
Ladies, What should I do?

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I forgot her birthday, and i feel very unhappy about that. I know how let-down she feels. after her birthday was finnished she texted me "30.08 is a very special day to me, but unforunetly it gone b4 mins".

How shall I act to make her feel happy ansd forgive me




  1. Get her a nice present and give her a kiss.

  2. It sounds like it was an honest mistake.  I wouldn't go overboard trying to make it up to her, but a special gesture would be nice.  Maybe something extra special on the next holiday.  She won't have forgotten about it, but she may think you have!  I would love to know months later that you still felt bad about it and wanted to still remind me that you screwed up.  I would totally forgive you.

  3. Grovel. Flowers, cake, chocolates, maybe some expensive bubbly wine and a very heart felt apology. You could cook her a nice candlelit dinner as well.  

  4. Be honest to her.

    Make her happy again.

    Buy her a gift...

    If she really loves you, she'll understand.

  5. apologise apologise apologise apologise.

    make it up to her in a big way. flowers, and a dinner at a really fancy place, and a thoughtful gift, not just an expensive one.

    and tell her how bad you feel. (but dont be sappy)

  6. Beg for her forgivness, repay her withflowers, chocolates, breakfasts in bed and promise you'll never forget again.

    A little self hating wouldn't go amiss either. "I'm so stupid for forgetting" ect.  

  7. In my opinion - and if a guy did that to me, I'd be let-down yeah. But, if he maybe, threw like a belated surprise party, or came to my work or school with a cake, I think I'd forgive him.

    Good luck!

  8. Just tell her you are sorry and take her out to dinner and give her a gift.

    As long as you do something asap she would have to be really silly to make a big deal out of it.

    We are all human and forget things sometimes, last year me and my hubby both forgot our anniversary and we thought it was funny.

  9. say that u forgot and give her a present but before u give her present, say this " I am so sorry and please accept my apologize by accepting this present"

  10. I forget every ones birthday, that why it's only fair if ppl mention it a few times leading up to the "big day".

    Did she do this? if she did then you'll need to buy her something amazing, I know it sounds materialistic, but take her away, and really treat her.

    It's the only way she'll understand that it was purely a mistake, and not that you don't care for her.... actions speak louder then words.

  11. A dozen long-stem, red roses and a REALLY sincere, groveling apology (cry if you have to) and a really expensive gift, like something sparkly or a weekend away. Whatever you do don't try to make excuses or tell her the reasons you forgot. Just say there was no good reason to forget, it was just pure stupidity. Also, don't make her pick out her present, get her something decisive. Jewelry should match something she already owns but doesn't have a set to.

    Good luck!

  12. I know how she feels

    'cause my ex did the same...

    Give her a surprise

    Not big/elegant.

    It should be simple yet romantic


    Now I miss him


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