
Ladies, make-up question?

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So, why is it that every time I put on eye make-up, it manages to work its way down and collect just under my bottom eyelid - kind of like panda eyes but not quite.

I was wondering if any of you lassie had any tips or advice for keeping my make-up where it should be....





  1. Sometimes, when you put on make-up, the shadow, liner or whatever is still freshly on, so it might fall down and collect to your. Try either to not blink as much or whenever putting on eye makeup, and don't use too much shadow or liner, tap off the extra powder or put on the liner more carefully. For some reason, concealer sort of helps too.

    I have chinky eyes, cause I'm Asian, so the same thing happens to me.

  2. Hiii erm i had the same problem so i swaped the pencil eyeliner for liquid eye liner and i also found that if u put foundation right under the eye it makes ur eye liner smudge under easier so leave a little gap sorta thing u no wt i mean lol

  3. I usually do 50's make up and my eyeliner tends to sag after a while. Like Marilyn Monroe, I use white eyeliner directly under the bottom lashline slightly blended so I don't look like an Ice Queen. (I also use it to shape my eyeliner so that its even on both sides, as I've discovered white tends to work as an eraser on black)

    If your issue is that it occurs while your applying the make up you could hold a square of tissue paper under your eye while applying the make up around it. Than use a q-tip to collect the excess, if any manages to escape!

    Both methods work for me when I'm doing my own make up and my friends as well, you might as well give it a shot too!  

  4. Another thing that can cause makeup to move and smudge is the type of eye shadow you use. Shimmery, glittery loose podwer eye shadows are all the rage but if you use them always put a very matt eye shadow on first then the shimmery one over the top, this will help keep the eyeshadow in place.

    Liquid eyelines is a good option or for a softer look try a pressed black powder, you can get this in compacts or multi eyeshadow kits from various brands, i'd reccomend urban decay. Team that with a thin stiff diagonal brush from body shop. Applying eyeliner this way will also be more gentle on the delicate skin around your eyes.

    You could apply your base foundation to your eye area then do your eye makeup if you have any smudges use a face wipe on your cheeks then apply base to the rest of your face, that's a good trick too.

    Failing all that take a poweder compact over you and some eye wipes. A quick trip to the ladies room and you can quickly give your makeup a little touch up ;)

  5. put concelar around and on you eye lids. Oil will be absorbed with this and should stay in place.

  6. Wear concealer pat it in and put powder in it to set it this will create a base so that it doesnt smudge or crease

  7. Try using a base like Urban Decay Primer Potion before applying anything else =] x

  8. put a big amount of loose powder (or any type of powder really) under  your eyes while applying makeup. That way the excess of your eye makeup will fall on the powder which will be later dusted away! Try to use eye makeup bases before using anything else, they really work and the keep the makeup stable for hours. Macs base is really good (but expensive)

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