
Ladies only please.?

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday i asked a question because i had found a lump under the skin of my right nipple, well.. i woke up this morning and my boob is starting to bruise and it is really sore, then i noticed when i moved my arm it hurt under my armpit so looking for a bruise i felt another lump (on the same side) so i checked the other armpit and it hasn't got one, it feels like, a really swollen gland, im really really scared, im going to tell my mum, but i just wanted to ask, do you think it could be serious?

i am 14 years old.





  1. PLease I beg you Go to the doctors!!! Dont waste time plz !!!!!!!!!

    GO NOW!

  2. Go the doctor hun as soon as possible

    It probably wont be serious so don't worry

  3. Aww sweetie. I can imagine how scard you are. Im no doc or anything so can't say what it may or may not be. But i recommend you telling someone you trust about it, then getting them to accompany you to your doctor as soon as possible. I reckon it's probably harmless to be honest but don't take risks. Hope it goes well x

  4. Bless your heart you are probably worried sick. Try not to get all worked up. it could be anything, even a Clogged pore or something but you must tell your Mom and have her take you to the Dr. just in case. And if it something more serious it's much better to find out quickly so that you can do what needs to be done to fix the problem. You'll be ok but, you shouldn't be going through this alone. Tell your Mom or Aunt or someone you trust that can take you to a Dr. Best Wishes:)

  5. Hi lady,

    I'm a male but I'm a doctor. You have to tell your mom and get help from doctor asps.

  6. You Really Need To Go To The Doctor. You See There are two types of breast cancer one where you can get bumps and one where you get bumps and bruise like blotches. This has killed many people including a girl your age who didn't tell her mother. If your nipple tends to be growing inward this could be so very serious. You need to tell your mom immediately or you could end up like that poor little girl.

  7. It is of course possible that it's serious, but its very unlikely at your age. A friend of mine had 3 lumps in her breast and they were all perfectly fine. I'm just trying to help you put it in proportion, please don't worry unnecessarily at this stage, but do go to your mum, thats what she's there for.

  8. I would get this checked out at your G.P'S straight away.

    You just can't afford to waste time when it comes to finding lumps,even at your young age.

    Please go even just to put your mind at rest

    Good luck

  9. Easy to say but try not to worry, speak to your mother and get yourself an appointment at the gp asap its probably glands, being that you are only 14, but you must get it checked to be sure.

    Good luck and try not to worry x

  10. Sounds like a gland, I had that once but to be sure you MUST visit your doctor...NOW!

  11. For gods sake PLEASE PLEASE go immediately to a doctor.

  12. it won't be serious, but it does sound like a swollen gland


    see your gp if it needs to be drained or anything, don't worry about it x

  13. you need to tell your mum and go to a doctor asap beause it could be very serious or it could be nothing but best to get it checked out

    good luck x

  14. It could be. So I would tell your mom soon. You are probably going to have to go to the doctor to check it out!!! Tell your mom!!! : ) don't be scared though!! you're probably just getting b*****s!!! Congrats!!!!

  15. Listen..I think you should go to a doctor immediately.

    It's always better to be on the safe-side and we ALL hate going to the doctors.

    Good Luck x
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