
Ladies who have given birth....?

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is it like really painful?? like even if u get an epideral and all those pain killers and stuff is it like excrutiating pain? or like what if u tear and they have to stitch u back up?? im like freaking out! (im only a teen and i am just curious because my moms friends were talking about it)




  1. From personal experience it was not that bad.  My first two were all natural (no epidural or pain killers), the only thing that was painful were contractions, and I was blessed to not have ripped or tore because I've heard that was very painful.  My last child I had an epidural and it was the easiest pregnancy of all.  I am due next month and I'm hoping all is this easy, but everyone and every pregnancy is different.

  2. I've had a baby using an epidural and I've had another all natural. The epidural definitly takes the pain away. You are able to rest and relax. But makes you more exhausted in the end and really makes your body feel horrible in the end. With the all natural, yes it hurt. But, after I was done I felt like i could run a marathon! I had lots of energy and was able to handle all of the family and friends coming in to see the new baby! I was very nervous myself about tearing. I had heard all of these horror stories. With my first I had a 3rd degree perineal laceration and tore a muscle. I didn't feel myself tear. When the baby comes out, you don't even think of the pain, you have so much emotion going on that you don't even know what's going on down there! It's hard work. BUT, so rewarding in the end. If you do plan on using pain medication...I highly recommend the epidural. The other narcotics that are supposed to "take the edge off" just make you loopy and "out of it" and you still feel the pain.    

  3. LOL yes it is that painful... I'm having a giggle because you're freaking out about it now... Wait til you're ready to have your own kids... Then you'll turly know the pain.... LOL

  4. Every womans level of pain is different, and how our bodies react to that pain is also different.

    It hurts for some and is painless for others, you just have to be prepared for it.

    I had an epidural and I could still feel my contractions and when I pushed it didn't hurt a lot but I still felt it.

  5. It's bad pain, it really is. I was in labor with no meds for 22 hours and I was in back labor, which is when your baby is face up, instead of face down (you'll know what I'm talking about if you ever get pregnant)

    Once I got to the hospital I still had time to get an epidural and I did. I had been in so much pain the small amount of pressure/pain I felt with the epidural felt like nothing. It helps, but you still feel pressure and once the baby crowns you can feel it, but in all honesty it's for just a minute and doesn't compare to the pain you'll feel while your cervix is dilating. It was wonderful though, I may sound crazy, but if I could live that whole day over again, I would, I don't think anything can compare to having your first child, it's amazing.

  6. Yeah, it's really painful.  I'm not trying to scare you or anything, but having a baby hurts like all h**l.  Epidurals usually make the pain go away, but doctors don't like to give them until you're around 4cm dilated because it can slow your labor.  That means you're stuck having contractions for hours before you get your epidural.  And getting the epidural doesn't feel nice either.  But it's the lesser of the two evils compared to the contractions.

    Fortunately, epidurals take away most of the pain of labor.  My first one didn't work completely and I still had a lot of painful pressure in my pelvis.  My second one worked and I didn't have any pain.  I needed stitches both times, but didn't feel it when I got them.  

    You're also very, very sore from your ribs to your knees for a few days after you have a baby.  You pretty much look and feel like you got hit by a truck.

  7. It wasn't fun but quite honestly it was all worth it.  It was painful but certainly nothing that I couldn't handle with proper medications.  Women have been doing it since the beginning of the human race so trust me, you'll get through it too!

  8. When you have the baby when your older it seems your body is ready for it but my sister in law had her baby she was only 17 and had all kinds of problems!

  9. Yes, it hurts more than you can imagine.  I had 3 drug free births myself.  I do know if an epidural works well for you it can completely take the pain away.  Not something I would recommend though. Too many risks in my opinion.

  10. There is an amount of pain, but nothing you cant tolerate. If you get medicine, then you almost fill nothing, if you rip you wont feel it or them stitching you up. You can fill that something is going on but its not bad. Just pressure, but not painful. The contractions hurt before you get medicine(like period cramps), but you can get the medicine usually anytime you want.  

  11. Okay I was induced and in labor for a day and a half, I decided to have an epidural about 1/2 day in. The contractions hurt sooooo bad. I say imagine the worst pain and go worse then that. It hurts. So I decided I had to have the epidural everyone said ohh it dont hurt. Yea okay it does for a few min. Until hes done and it starts to kick in. But its wayyy better then having to feel the contractions. I ended up having to have an emergency c section in the end cause my son couldnt come natually. if you dont have to have a c section DONT. The first few days aftter is horrible, and the first week isnt pleasant. I had my son 3 weeks ago today! But Id do all this pain again...for a precious little baby!

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