
Landlord-Tenant Rights?

by Guest62348  |  earlier

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My husband and I became renters because we commute. We work in one state and live in another. Here's the problem: We live in a two-family unit & our neighbors are drama filled!! From violent, physical fights between the mother & daughter and arguments on a REGULAR basis to garbage being walked to the garage door, but being put on the side of the garage instead of inside, in the garbage cans, doors being slammed at ALL hours of the day & night, I can go on & on!!! There have been verbal arguments between my family and their family. My children have been threatened with physical harm by adults in the other unit as well as their family members who do NOT reside at this residence. Basically my question is: With the situation being volatile and possibly erupting in the near future, is this grounds for the landlord/property owner to let us out of our lease? We just don't feel SAFE anymore and it has become very stressful to continue to reside here.




  1. i would talk to the landlord they may understand.  if you have any police reports i would show them that 2.

  2. when it comes to a question of ur safety i do believe that is grounds to terminate the lease without penalty. just give the landlord 30 days notice and kepp all documentation, just in case he decides he wants to take u guys to court, explain to the judge, show police reports, get statements from neighbors who are aware of this, take pictures of the garbage they leave around. just gather as much evidence as possible and keep it so that if it comes down to court, u have everything to back you up. when u live in an apartment it is the landlords duty to ensure the safety of his tenants!! and when he breaches that then u have the right to protect urself and family and move them somewhere safe. talk with ur landlord, he may be willing to let you out of the lease without having to go thru all this, just make sure u get everything in writing. keep all documents...if u havent already, write letters to ur landlord advising him of the situation and keep copies just to show the courts ur effort in trying to get things resolved before just breaking the lease, if u havent called the cops, call them next time just so u have a police report to show, when they make threats, call the cops get a report!! u may be able to take the landlord to court to get ur security deposit back if he is unwilling to give it to you...just whatever you do, give him 30 days notice that ur moving so that u dont s***w urself over!!!

  3. you need to report this to your landlord im sure he would like to know....and if they are yelling and screaming at each other and threatening your life...then you need to call the cops...dont let people get by with that c**p....i had some friends who had neighboors like that and they had to move out of their home...but they shouldn't have to move just b/c of their tell your landlord

  4. No - but he might let you move into another unit - away from the problem renters.

    Sit down and rationally discuss the problems with him.

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