
Landlord issue please help!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so here's the story... i rented a room from a lady last october. Then as of June 1st my boyfriend moved in and she raised our rent $200 more which we all agreed on. Then out of the blue a few days ago there were cops looking for my boyfriend to ask him some questions (he's a witness in a case) well the officers stirred things up with the manager (not my landlord) (she sublets to me) so it left him with questions. When i got home my landlord stated to me that she no longer wants my boyfriend coming back to stay in the house after he's already been living there for almost 3 months. And then to make matters worse apparently her Ex-husband actually Leases the apartment and then has an agreement with her and then she rents to us. Confusing I know LOL . I am trying to find out what legal ground we have. I don't think she can just boot him. And not to mention niether him nor I signed and rental agreement when we moved in. When are you considered a resident of a home if you never signed a contract? She says she doesn't care if I stay she just wants him out so the manager of the building isn't asking too many questions. I thought legally he is a resident if he is recieving mail and such at the address for over a period of time. SOOO semi-long story short... Her ex-husband came to the house to speak with me yesterday (keep in mind i don't rent from him i rent from his ex wife and i have never met this guy in my life don't even know his name. He came over (he lives in the same building) and started yelling and intimidating me saying he'll have us kicked out and on the street faster than we know it and blah blah blah... i thought legally you are entitled to 30 days. But because of all the confusion of owners, managers, landlords, and leasee's and then us renters... i don't know what to do or what our options are. we are trying to find a place ASAP but in case we don't find somewhere do we have legal ground to stay there even though she wants him out?




  1. I think its time for u to get new bo to get frisk e with

  2. You are legally a resident there.

    You would have to be evicted through the court, a 30 day notice given, regardless of who you pay your money too.

    And i do not know for sure, but I do not think anyone except the lessor (the person on the lease, or perhaps the manager) has any right to proceed with eviction. And the ex husband is probably afraid of getting his bu++ in trouble for all this sub letting going on.

    Stay until you find a place, but get away from the crazies there.

    Good Luck!

  3. the landlord can do what they wish for ?  nothing you can do about it cause you don,t have the power to do so ?  you,re not the owner !

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