
Landlords HELP!!!!!! What do I do?

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I made a lease w my tenenant from feb - july31. I made out a lease renewal form which they got on June 1, and asked them to get back to me B4 July 1. The last wk of June I spoke to the tenant who stated that b/c his wife was prego he felt they could not make rent and requested that I deduct 50$ off of the rent if he did lawn . I agreed stating to him and his wife that it would be on a mo to mo basis, the lease no longer in effect. No papers were signed. On July 1 I went to collect rent. The wife gave me rent minus the 50$ as agreed upon, at no time did she or her husband say that they where looking to move or that July would be there last months rent. On July 12 the husband called me and stated that they would be moved out by July 31 there stuff out by august 3. Since they had paid there last months rent in advance with security deposit They requested all to be returned. I stated to them that they had not given 30d notice and last mo rent would go to aug. Now they want 2 take me 2 crt




  1. let them take you to court; what else do you expect a frustrated father to be to say?

    he will lose and be embarrassed.

    CHILL and do not sweat anything.

    if you need me I am here further

  2. When there is no lease, it is automatically a month to month lease.

    Therefore, they should give you 30 days notice.

  3. Well unfortunately for you, they can get their money back, you didn't have the proper mo. to mo. lease signed. So when their actual lease was up, that pretty much indicated they don't have to give you a 30 day notice! They already had according to when the lease was up! Id give them their money back, unless you want to pay court cost and fees also! They sound like good people, let it go, don't be so mean. I hate people like you

  4. As an experienced landlord I can tell you that in a way you are lucky. Why? well they are leaving.  It is evident that they cant pay and had they been A** Holes they could of stayed without paying rent and waited for you to take them to court. This would of been very costly to you if you had to evict them.

    I would just give them their money because although you are in the right, us landlords don't look good in court when we are trying to evict a family who is expecting and it is going to be your word against his. Who knows who the judge is going to believe. If you refuse to give him his money,  he might tell you something like....well, I am not leaving and not paying rent until I settle this in court.

    It ain't easy dealing with tenants and evicting them is costly. The way I look at it is... the sooner I get rid of a tenant that even hint to financial difficulties the better.

    Hope this helps...Good Luck!

  5. well you can give it back to them now or you can go to court and give it back to them, plus court costs.

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