
Lane deer?

by  |  earlier

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Well on two lane road a deer ran across and I slammed on the brakes, then some guy rear ended me.

Well its simple but he is trying to say I cut him off in his lane on purpose I know it sounds stupid but the cop believed him even tho he was the angry one and yelling.

I only have state farms liability insurence.

What do you think will happen?

I took pics and everything

they wouldnt even talk to me

im nice guy and had to calm the guy down cause he was so angry his new car is mashed

also there was no reason for me to be in other lane due to fact you have to marge after that crosswalk light

the cop wasnt there so its fight insurence to insurence

I have a perfect record and mostly because i hang out at the track with pro drivers and do stuff with the sports car however its my eco car that got hit.

I would have:

A. hit the deer and then he would rear ended me anyway for being close on my

or B. stop for deer and let him rear end me




  1. I answered this question previously.  It doesn't matter how many times you ask this question and it doesn't matter what the other guy said or didn't say.  The insurance companies will determine blame and you will probably have to live with their decision

  2. I know you can't help worrying about it because you were the one in the accident, but take it from me - I've been the passenger in 10 separate car accidents over the last 40 years, plus I used to work in the insurance industry several years ago.

    The insurance companies will talk it through & reach an agreement.  You & the other angry driver will not be involved or have to see each other again.

    Since both you & the other driver both made mistakes - you in slamming on your brakes, he in following too close - the ruling will probably be contributory negligence on both parties part & damages will be paid, minus deductibles, to repair both of your vehicles, or to total them out if they were more severely wrecked than their current Edmund's or Blue Book value.

    Find a way to relax - a massage, a hot bath, a few drinks - whatever helps & try not to worry about it.  Insurance companies handle these cases every day. Let them do their job & you stay out of it unless they ask you for information.

  3. Sounds like your 'panic stop' in the middle of the road was the cause of the loss. Go ahead and report it to State Farm -- it's possible that after they investigate the claim they will find the other party was traveling too close to you and his portion of the claim will be denied.

  4. This wacko was responsible.  He was tailgating you.  Sue him for the damages to your car.  The cop's opinion doesn't matter, he was responding to the loudest mouth.

  5. Hi there,,,  Actually you will be ok becasue he tail ended you so as long as you make sure the facts are clear. He Rear e ended you .... and also the actual impact on your car would have shown if you  changed lane too..  Evident in the photos and the marks on the road...

    Usually the person who hits the other in the rear is at fault.

    So make sure you put in the insurance claim that you were in the lane.  And only put that he said you changed lanes when he was shouting at you ..   To be honest it will be sorted out by the insurance  and they will go along the lines that even though yo braked for an animal he was traveling too close or at speed which meant that he was unable to stop//

  6. wait a sec, he hits you from behind, he's at fault.


    "cop believed him"

    doesn't matter, the cop wasn't a witness.  he doesn't get to decide who's right.

    something here doesn't add up.

    have you spoken with a lawyer?

  7. Insurance company's usually work these claims out between themselves, but you can argue that the other car was too close to avoid a crash. (tailgating) The cop was just trying to get home, as long as there are no injury's they don't really want to know. Refer the whole thing to your insurance (keeping copies) and they should take care of it all

  8. well whats done is done sorry about your car but you would have been better off hitting the deer and then the guy hitting you then he should have been cited for following too closely but you were actually in the wrong to slam on your brakes to avoid the deer but by reading I believe you both were in the wrong sorry its just the way I'm reading it
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