
Languages spoken pre history?

by  |  earlier

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when humans learned to communicate what language were they speaking? i am talking before they settled in river valleys and started setting up civilizations....when they were still nomadic, what language were they talking?




  1. This is an interesting one.

    Russian researchers have traced back languages from before the known language families to a supposed proto-language called 'Nostratic', which, they say, was spoken by hunter-gatherers about 40,000 years ago and is the origin of the Semitic, Indo-European and Ural-Altaic languages.  But it is just a hypothesis, and many people don't believe it.

  2. oog aag?

  3. latin?

  4. I'm afraid no answer to your question has yet to be found. Without written records it is virtually impossible to determine what language any given people spoke. Even attempts to trace all of the world's languages back to a common source have yet to succeed. While it is possible to link many of the current languages back to a common root, no one has yet been able to link every language back to that same root. Unless someone comes up with a time machine with which to travel back to that magic moment when man began speaking, it is likely we will never know what those early men called "rocks," "water," "woman," etc.

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