
Larry Holmes v Jack Johnson?

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who wins and how?




  1. Larry Holmes will win by knockout.

  2. I hesitate to jump on the Holmes band wagon without some thought.  Larry had maybe the best jab in heavyweight history, but other than Ali, nobody moved with the foot speed of Jack Johnson, and when you consider Jack was around 210-220 moving like a middle weight, that is impressive.  Holmes would need more than a good or even great jab to beat Johnson, and I am not so sure Larry had the fire power to slow Johnson.  Johnson regularly fought well past 15 rounds, and Larry might have run out of gas if the fight stretched longer than he was used to fighting.  15 and under Holmes has a good chance of squeaking out a decision, but even out boxing Jack Johnson with the tools Larry brings would have been a formidable task.

    Johnson had the skills to box with Holmes, and nobody expected Iran Barkley to out jab Thomas Hearns either.  Jack might not have out jabbed Larry, but he did bring better power and much heavier hands to the contest.  Man, this one would have been something special, a very tough call.

    I like Jack Johnson is a close, bitterly contested decision, Larry would take the early rounds, but Jack's conditioning and heavier punches would win him the latter rounds.  Down the home stretch in the championship rounds Johnson would do just enough.

    Johnson by split decision.

  3. Larry Holmes would run JJ all over the ring.  Holmes is way too quick for JJ, and Holmes would to jab him to death and then deliver a KO in the 6th or 7th round.  JJ was just a big mauler, and couldn't beat a boxer like Holmes on his best day.  Jess Williard beat JJ because he was a good counter puncher and just waited for JJ to tire after throwing too many punches.  Williard was more of a thinker then JJ.  That fight was much like the Ali - Forman fight in Manila.  Brains wins every time.

  4. As great as Jack Johnson was, I believe that Larry Holmes would win.  Jack would not be an easy fight for him as he was a defensive genius and great at parrying punches and deleivering sharp counter punches.  Holmes had one of the greatest jabs in boxing history and this would be the difference in the fight.  I believe it would be a close fight with Holmes winning 8 rounds, Johnson 6 with 1 even.  Holmes by unanimous decision.

  5. Holmes...too much size speed and skill, though Johnson would confuse Larry for a couple of rounds with his akward style..

  6. johnson wins by being faster to the punch, tying his man up on the inside, and not getting hit as often (everyone knew johnsons style,,,nailing him down was the problem)

    jack by decision

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