
Laser eys surgery question?

by Guest33229  |  earlier

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Well im 18 and im gonna get laser eye surgery in the next month. I was wondering if im making a mistake here that may affect me in some way. Is it stupid of me to get it done at this age? should i have waited a bit.. is there any consequences? by parents are also totally freaking out about the risk factors and all that.. please help me !!!!!!




  1. Hi,

    If you are short sighted and you are still growing, then your presciption could increase over the next few years.

    I was -3 at age 18 but -5 at age 22.  Only do this if your prescription is not changing, otherwise you may have to go through it all again or wear glasses in a couple of years.

    The procedure is well practiced now, make sure you choose a reputable clinic who are willing to share their success (and failure) statistics.

    If you are happy that you have all the information you need and still want to  go ahead, then I wish you the best of luck.  I have waited until 34 to ditch the glasses - going to have the op this year.

  2. My youngest daughter had it done when she was 19,  I had it done 3 1/2 years ago and my oldest daughter had it done last year.  WE ARE ALL FINE!!!  In fact, I had my left eye done 2x in order to improve my vision for closeness (I'm old).

    Go for it!! Don't freak out it's really nothing.  Tell mom/dad it'll be OK.  

    All 3 of us agree it is SO worth it!!!

  3. you should do it, the risk is very low now days. also its been around for a while... my friend got it and loves it he got it when he was 18 too, and that was 3 years ago.. very low chance of something bad happening, very low... so you should do it man.. make sure your eye prescription hasn't changed in the last year though because then it might get wrose and that wold make the surgery obsolete

  4. my bro did laser he came out fine

    have faith

    have confidence

    say a few prayers

    ask for God's grace

  5. i was considering eye surgery as well...when i asked my eye doc about it, he said that the good thing about surgery is that it's permanent...the bad thing about this surgery... is that it's permanent...made me think twice!

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