
Last Nights WWE Raw?

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who agrees that last nights crowd was one of the best crowds in a long time on raw i mean they seemed to be into everything that happen and raw was pretty solid last night i liked it.

BQ:Will HBK/Jericho Feud go down as one of the greatest of all time? these 2 have delivered so well in their promos im really interested in this fued it just doesnt happen like this anymore in wwe




  1. No RatedRKo no fun at all.  

  2. yea the crowd was awesome! I thought everything went so well last night...the commentators were in such a good went so well.

  3. I loved RAW last night

    all different superstars from different brands it was great

    Idk about their feud it was starting to get boring but it got better last night

  4. LOL People still watch wrestling?

  5. Me

  6. raw was good last night. good show.

  7. i thought raw last night sucked.

    the only good part was candice's return.

  8. Agreed.

    BQ: IMO,NO. Im not interested in it at all, the only good part of RAW last night was Randy Orton lmfao. SD is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better.

  9. i agree

  10. To me, when you have a popular superstar in your city such as Cena, Triple H, or other popular superstars. They crowd will be nuts. But not lastnight. not many people like whats his face from lastnight that was in his home town.
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