
Last minute birthday present? Help!?

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My good friends birthday is tomorrow. =|

She's turning sixteen, &its also our first day of high school.

I have noooo time to run to the store.

I was thinking something that includes pictures of us together,

but i don't have any kind of small photo album or anything.


Any ideas are appreciated.

She really likes:

Gangs&stuff (i don't know why..)

Hair things

&Make up.




  1. hmmmm tough one, get her hair things and make up

  2. First Idea is that you could make her coupons. : ) They are always a great last minute gift, that still shows a lot of thought and time.

    Things that would help accomplish this gift is: (if you don't have these things that is fine..just improvise)

    cute paper


    fun colored pens


    a hole puncher

    or anything else you think of

    I would cut the paper into the size of note cards/hearts/or whatever shape you desire. After you cut the paper punch a hole in it preferably in a corner or edge...( I just thought if you don't have a hole punch scissors work fine if you angle it and use it like a razor...just BE CAREFUL). Once the hole is punched you should write on the pieces of paper...IDEAS:

    Good 4 a day of free lunch out! : )

    You may barrow one of my clothing items that is your favorite for a day.

    And etc. depending on what you are willing to do for your friend and what you think she would enjoy. Make them like good for a one day use of, or a week of, make them like coupons! : )  Have them only usable one time. Get creative. : )

    Once you have written on all the pieces of paper in fun colors decorate them with glitter, stickers, doodles or what have you.

    Once you are finished personalizing it, if you have ribbon around your house thread ribbon through the hole and tie a bow to hold all the pieces of paper together. If you don't have ribbon, use that present/gift wrapping ribbon if that isn't avalible try....seeing if you have any unused necklace chains and using that. : )  Since you said she was into gangs this might be the first opition. : p  

    Making her a dessert would also be a cute gift and yummy for in the school morning or after school treat. Just prepare it tonight and then you can decided when you are going to give it to her tomorrow.

    Once you are finished with that then tada! It's done. I sure hope you find something that works for you tonight. I've been in the same situations before and it's a pickle. Don't let the jerks get to you. Goodnight and good luck! : )  

    I sure hope this isn't to long to read. : s

  3. Next time get something earlier instead of putting it off.

  4. Take some pictures of the two of you that you have & make a collage or poster that says "Happy Birthday" or whatever you choose. & put it on her locker =]

    Cheap & easy, but she will still appreciate it!

  5. round up anything you dont like skin products or nail polishes?  and mak her a little something out of something you might jsut not use or want gifting is very useful...a pair of earrings..or tell her you will treat her to pizza or a movie over the weekend :) Maybe offer to do her hair or nails?  SLeepover to celebrate!

  6. 16 and first day of high school? how many times has she repeated?

    -buy her a tutor  

  7. Take something that's sentimental to you and her and give it to her. My best friend gave me something like that one time and it was better than any gift she could have bought me. .  

  8. Lip gloss and nail polish.

  9. make her a card put some money in it a picture of you guys and a cute memory and if you dnt think its enough be like oh this is all i could do in short notice and shell obvi have a party and at the party give her something awesome there.

  10. Use scraps of stuff you have or something.

    Get creative.


    If shes a good friend she'll love anything you give her.

  11. if you have a credit card or visa giftcard you can buy her a star... its really cool u get to name it and evertything. you can buy a plaqe or just print out a certificit it only cost like $20

  12. A ticket to spend the day with you.

    You know, it might not be the best thing at first sight, but hey...she won't forget it. You give her make up, she uses it, throws it away, but spending a day with her might just be in her mind until who knows...

    Go shopping, or go to the movies or something.

    Have fun :)

  13. Do you have to go by any stores? If you do, stop in and buy a photo album, and some stickers of things ur friend might like... then make a scrapbook once u get home...  

  14. my first day of high school was when i was 14 lol ur 16 and just now gettin there hmmmmmm......

  15. How about money. It says nothing about how much the person means to you but it gets the job done! lol

  16. All you will need is a poster, glue, scissors, and magazines and the pics of you two together for this----you can make a collage!  Cut out pics of the things she loves and that you two have inside jokes for. You can spell both of your names out with different letters or also spell out happy birthday.  Dont leave any empty white spaces--fill in all the holes and put things upside down and caddy cornered. Just make it funky and full---you cant go wrong.  

  17. If you have a photo of her (and some time to kill - an hour or so), you could make a personalized photo frame.  

    If you've saved anything, like movie stubs, or other trinkets from things that you guys have done together, you can glue them around a frame.  Things like spare buttons and safety pins also look cool.

    You can cut a frame out of some card board, or cereal box; cover it with fabric so it looks better, and then put the mementos on the frame.  If you don't have any mementos, you can create your own (ie: hearts cut out of paper, headlines and messages cut from newspaper/magazine articles).

    It might take a bit of time, but who doesn't love a personalized gift?

    Oh, you can also give her an IOU - like a promise to do something fun together.

  18. Pieces of card can be sewn together to make quite a strong scrapbook. :D

    Doodles - lifesavers, easy to do and individual to you.

    If you have a printer, print out stuff she likes and stick them in among the photos.

    Then if you have time to go to the store(well I know you said you didn'

    t but if you do..) get some funky hairbands or a really nice clip. Or get her makeup. Eyeshadow and eyeliners should do. That way you can combine something you bought with something you made. ^^

  19. Homemade stuff are sweet(even from a friend to a friend)

    For your pictures if you have construction paper and little scraps of thing that she (or both) likes (from magazines if you like)paste and make a collage of things and paste it all on a piece of paper and and then glue your picture on top of it all. If i were you i'd but a base under the pic before =)


    Body Glitter

    -Mix some lotion with some glitter


    - i have no clue for this maybe a bandanna =/

    Hair Things

    Head Band

    -Splatter some paint onto an old headband and it would look vintage

    My Choices:

    Birthday Cake

    Humongous Card

    Make-Up kit From Ulta or something

    That it =)

    Hope it helped =)

  20. do you have any makeup that is unopened that she make like?  If so, then find her favorite color hairties you have around the house and glue them onto it to make it unique and cute for her to use. Maybe find some gems or something to add also.  Money is also good, or you could go on word and print out a coupon you make yourself saying 'one free night out to dinner with me'  or something.  im glad you remembered your friends sixteeenth.  my friend sortof forgot mine sixteenth i just had, so i kno from experiance something is better than nothing :)  Hope it helps

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