
Latinas and circumcision?

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Is it true that most Latin mothers choose not to circumcise their babies. If so why is that? is it cultural. and in general do Latin women like uncircumcised men better?




  1. I think circumcision is ideal and evidence shows that it prevents HIV infection, penile cancer and other forms of cancer in men.

  2. Circumcision is a religious form of mutilation, therefore many see no reason to mutilate young males.  Recent vaccines have taken away any positive reason to mutilate baby boys & I hope this form of barbarism disappears into obscurity where it belongs.  I'm not a latino but have fought against circumcision of all my children & grand children, because it detracts from the male's ability to enjoy sexual intercourse.  Although circumcised males do tend to enjoy oral s*x more than the uncircumcised ones.

    As an old uncircumcised male, I am appreciative of my parents insight & their insistance that I not be cut on to satisfy some ignorant barbaric custom.  The f******n is there to protect the p***s... not be chopped off by some ignorant religious radical.

    Chuckle... when erect one cannot tell a circumcised p***s from an uncircumcised one, so I don't know how many women could tell until after the s*x act.

  3. At the present time, Americans and Hebrews are the only ones practicing circumcision on a regular basis.  Most Europeans do not, and while I cannot vogue for people from South and Central America, its quite possible that they don't generally do this either.

    While some view it as 'Religious Mutilation' with the exception of Jewish people; religion has no role in modern circumcision.  It derives from 19th century beliefs on medicine, that in all fairness were quite silly.  One that sticks out in my head is to prevent masturbation as an infant.

    More modern theories have shown that the f******n is more susceptible to STDs; but considering both the US and Israel have good medical and educational practice; its possible that these results are skewed.

    I think that women will like the penises they see.  If they are surrounded by men with hats, they'll prefer it that way.  If they see men w/o hats, then they'll prefer that.  Either way, it looks the same when erect.

    Hospitals now use a local anesthetic on the child, so they shouldn't feel anything.  So its not as barbaric as one might think.

    Afterall; girls pierce their ears; wear high-heels, and people wear ties.  We seem to all like pain as kids and adults at least.

  4. I'm a nonreligious male, and from an esthetics point of view alone, I would find it gross to still have my f******n. I don't feel mutilated in any way.

    And if given choice between relying on vaccines and simply jettisoning the potential problematic appendage, it seems more logical to me to prevent rather than treat. And for me particularly, having already had Guillain-Barre once, there's a good chance a vaccine (flu in particular) could cause that autoimmune problem again.

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