
Lazy with your pony?

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Is anyone lazy when it comes to your pony, i do things like ride him up the track to his paddock bare back, so i don't have to carry his saddle back to the stables, i let him just follow me to the stables instead of leading him down the track. Does anyone else do things like that because you know you can trust you pony.

I have grown up with horses, both my mother and father have horses and my big brother also has one so in total we have four in our stables.




  1. My horses come into and out of their stalls on their own, so don't see a halter unless they're getting worked with.  My two horses and older pony all go right into their stalls, but the young pony likes to stand in the aisle and only goes into his stall when I come in to feed the first horse (he's last).

    When I was a kid I had a pony that I could hop on anywhere in the field with no halter or tack at all, and she would always go directly to the barn.  She loved to gallop but would always tense up and wait for my signal to start, as if I had reins.  I've tried getting my current horses to give me a ride to the barn, but the two I've tried it on only walk or run in the wrong direction, or turn and go after a less dominant horse.

  2. Yeah I do stuff like that, only mine is a horse. I worked with her a great deal and she has awesome ground manners, she will walk next to you even if you are not holding her lead and she ground ties.

    When we had a shetland pony and I had to go get him in a big pasture, this was when I was a kid, I would take out the halter, and just ride him in the halter up to the barn.

    Just remember, just because 99% of the time he is perfect at this type of stuff, there can be days when he is not.

  3. haha, i cant wait until real life hits this kid.

  4. Lol, I have a corridor fence so I can just open the gate and my 4 will all come down into the yard ( ok so sometimes they need a bit of persuasion) and they will usually go straight into their own stables. Turning them out is pretty much the same - open the doors and shoo them off.

    Beats one person running up and down with headcollars and ropes ( especially in Winter)

    I don't ride my horse up there bareback because he's a 17.2 pratt and would probably buck me off or spook at something he's seen 3 billion times before !

  5. lol, no cuz i don't have a horse or pony of my own yet, but thats cute and cool how your pony just follows you :)

  6. oh heck yes! that's half the fun of having a pony!.. and on the rare occasions that he does act up, he's so close to the ground that i find it harder to really get hurt...and i am definately old enough to know better!!!

  7. YEP!! dont tell ill get in trouble.

  8. ya my 34yr old quarter horse will follow you everywhere without any rope on him. we even let him out in the yard by himself because he just sits there and eats the grass.

  9. Virtually everyone I know who has their own land does this.  When you board a horse, you have barn rules to follow and can't experience the many wonderful things with horses that you can on your own place.  I boarded horses most of my life and finally got my own place. Some of the stables I boarded at had more freedoms to do these things, and they were my favorites and made my best memories.  There's nothing like the relationship I've developed with my horses since having them here with me on my own land. I love lazy, trusting,

    throw-all-the-rules-out-the window moments with my horses.
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