
Learning styles?

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How can you use your understanding of your intelligences and learning styles to help you with:

a.taking notes in class

b.studying for tests or exams

c.doing your homework

d.your home, volunteer or work activities

All info welcome..thx




  1. i am a very visual learner, so i doodle while i take notes.  the doodles tie into what i'm learning and i can usually remember what it was i was doodling when i learned about a certain homework.

    i use flashcards to study for tests.

    doing my homework is usually just answering questions from a book, so there's not a lot of help for me there, other than using my notes.

    i'm a teacher so at work i try to incorporate visuals (charts, graphs, etc.) into my personal tasks.

  2. Learning styles are a great thing to understand - both as a teacher and as a learner.

    For me, I'll outline the options given:

    a - taking notes in class - I am a more bodily-kinesthetic learner who needs to have a connection to the teacher/material being taught.  I am right handed, so I write with my right hand, and am often playing with a small object, such as a stress ball, in my left.  I like strong connections with the material, so it needs to be presented in a way that engages me.

    b - studying for tests or exams - working with a study partner where I can talk things through is extremely beneficial for me.  The social aspect of learning is helpful.  Though, sometimes, I am more of an introvert, and can be just as successful studying by reading the material independently.  (Note:  I never once studied for a test or exam... )

    c - doing homework - I need background noise, generally more than one thing going on is the best way for me to focus.  I like to have the TV or radio on, and have my computer on the side so I can take breaks.  The brain works best when it goes for 15-20 minute intervals of work, then 3-5 minutes of down time.

    d - your home, volunteer or work activities - I am social in some areas, and thrive with group activities, especially group activities that allow me to be moving around.  Even better if my naturalist intelligence is appealed to and we are working in an appropriate outdoor environment.  I do work well when working independently too.

    There is a great learning style inventory that I had to take for a course last semester.  I think my learning style was that of an Intuitive-Feeler - meaning I understand lots of things well, but need to have an emotional connection to the material.

    Interesting question!
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