
Learning the splits quickly???

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Does anyone know a way to learn the splits quickly? Would really appreciate help......




  1. you have to stretch and push yourself PAST you pain threshold. and stretch stretch and stetch some more.

    PS i am not accountable if you push yourself TOO far and cause injury.

  2. Practice Practice Practice

    There is no way to teach your body to become supple quick, unfortunately, muscles dont understand the cramming method, so the only way is by practicing night and day... but not too much, or you could end up in hospital with ligament and muscle damage... or tears in places that make my eyes water thinking about it!

  3. Unfortunately, there is no way to learn the splits "quickly". It definately takes some time and determination--you can't just expect to master them on a whim like that. It also helps to be young because then your body can adjust to the new muscle stretch easily. The older you are the harder it is to master them.

    It didn't take me a long time to get my right split down, but it's taking forever for the left. The right felt natural, while the left feels horrible. The best thing to do is stretch it out--"splits are some things that are really easy for some people and really hard for others" (from the first link) depending on their body type and how flexible your hip flexers are. However, they are definately not impossible. Try some of these links--they might do you some good. Good luck!! :D

  4. Strech strech and strech!!! Best way, and the more you strech the easier it will be.

  5. Splits are easy to learn if you put in time and effort.  You need to stretch every day and then hold your right, left, and center splits for at least a minute every day or a few times a day.  It helps if you do it while on the phone or watching tv.  It takes time, but it's not like learning a backflip.  Just make sure you stretch first.

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